Sunday, November 19, 2006

Why is Melissa Joan Hart MIA?

Weekend thoughts…
1) What I learned this weekend: Ted from How I Met Your Mother is in Not Another Teen Movie. I’d be a lot happier if I learned this through the internet rather than the fact that I spent a portion of my Saturday night lying on the couch watching Not Another Teen Movie. With the special pop-up comments on that mention exactly which teen movies were being parodied at any given time. On that point: remind me to add She’s All That to my Amazon wish list.

2) Ultimate sign that you have reached regular status: Walk into the bar and it is packed, actually having to wait outside to get in. Walk up and while still three deep at the bar have a bartender reach over the crowd to hand you your drink before you have even made eye contact with anyone. Maybe on some level I should be worried about these things but I think everyone should have at least one place where this is the norm. Or where they are the Norm.

3) I accomplished one of my 43 things this weekend! Ok, it was getting my car washed. What, you were hoping for me to attack one of those deep and meaningful goals first? To be honest, this was something that was months overdue as my car looked like absolute hell. I was at the point where I would actively tell people that I didn’t own a car as opposed to offer them a ride. It was to the point where buying a new car was becoming a legitimate option just because it would be cleaner.

4) You can tell that the holidays are approaching when I make a trip to the drug store to pick up as much Sudafed and cough drops as I possibly can. Yeah, it’s looking like I’m getting one of my annual holiday head colds. Started feeling it coming on on Friday and it’s slowly been getting worse as the weekend has progressed. Just once I would like to have a holiday weekend where I didn’t feel like I was going to have my head explode from sinus pressure. (I figure that I’ll never have a holiday weekend where my head doesn’t feel like it’s going to explode from stress.)

5) Listened to the Damien Rice CD a couple of times over the weekend and I would definitely pick it up. I’ve seen a few reviews where they thought it sounded unfinished and I can see that complaint but it really isn’t that much of an issue. It’s a little disjointed at times but the moments of pure brilliance that occur on the disc more than make up for it. Any disc that has me hitting repeat over and over again is a good one.

6) Here’s my explanation of why Damien is so cool. I made it home on Friday night in time to watch him perform ‘9 Crimes’ on Conan. It’s the first song on the disc but the first voice you hear on the song is Lisa Hannigan’s. She sings the entire first verse while Damien is just playing the piano. Then he joins in, followed by Vyvienne Long’s mournful cello and the song just builds and builds from there. It’s chilling and beautiful and daring. I know of few solo artists who would open an album with anything other than their own voice.

The five random CDs of the week (and in a first, I’ve seen all of these people in concert):
1) Richard Buckner “Meadow”
2) Blue Rodeo “Tremolo”
3) Zachary Richard “The Best of Zachary Richard”
4) Webb Wilder “Hybrid Vigor”
5) R.E.M. “Automatic for the People”

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