Monday, November 20, 2006

My Life is a Sitcom

Ok, I am now officially scared.

I knew when I started the blog two years ago that I was taking certain risks. I might embarrass myself, I could get myself fired, I could mistakenly tell a girl the link to the blog and have her find out way too much about me and hence, stop returning my calls. But in the cost benefit equation that is my life I figured that I could take that chance. I certainly never expected the following.

I am now convinced that one of the writers on How I Met Your Mother reads this blog.

Sure, I had an inkling when Ted got drunk on “Red Dragon” shots and had people writing on his arms in marker. There’s the whole “friends who are from Minnesota and a lawyer” bit. Heck, an episode revolved around “going to a dating service and having the number of perfect mates calculated for you”. But tonight is the clincher. Tonight we had a discussion on getting married at the Mall of America.

Which is what I wrote about here on June 26, including the requisite Orange Julius joke. Check the archives.

Look, I’m not asking for much (a signed photo of Allyson Hannigan would be nice). I find it rather funny to have the camera crew fliming my life for material. But really, if you want me to write for the show all you have to do is ask. I’m sure that I have a few Backer stories that could use a sitcom treatment. Plus, I can’t be the worst sitcom writer in the world. I think the trained manatees can beat the guys who write “According to Jim.”

Tonight’s episode was classic, though. Just the entire slap bet had me rolling with laughter. And yes, I’ll be picking up the first season DVD set tomorrow (thought about camping out for it, hey, it got all those PS3 guys on TV). I haven’t hit their MySpace page yet, though I should just so I could add a friend. Yes, if you have a page, please feel free to send me a friend request. It’s what my life has come to, begging for MySpace friends. It would probably help if I logged in more than once a month, though.

(I’ll still stand behind my belief that MySpace has jumped the shark. It’s not because I have a page or that television shows have pages. It’s because Chili’s listed their MySpace page on one of their commercials. How can you be hip and underground when Chili’s is using you for advertising? And who would have Chili’s listed in their Top 8? I can understand being devoted to a band, but who the hell dedicates their life to where they buy overprice potato skins?)

Last note: I can’t believe that they’ve cancelled the O.J. interview and book. Not because I thought it was a good idea, I was pretty firmly in the disgusting and disgraceful camp. I really want to understand how O.J. could go on the air saying, “Well, here’s how I would have killed the mother of my children.” But mainly I’m stunned by the fact that Fox changed their mind under the auspices of doing something morally right. It’s like, “That show about bears mauling passing by was cool and all, but this might just be a little too much.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See the video for "Let's go to the Mall" on Robin Sparkles' Myspace page.