Monday, November 27, 2006

Another couple lost...

There are a couple of things that you don’t want to see when you walk into your cubicle on a Monday morning. Security guards waiting outside your desk is one of them. Seeing the blue screen of death on your laptop is another. I had the latter happen to me today (though I have actually seen the former happen at various points in my career). Yes, I go away for the weekend and my laptop at work decided to give up the ghost. We were able to save the information but I was forced to upgrade to a new laptop. It’s like an early Christmas present.

Or at least it is for the most part. It’s nice having a bright screen that is actually larger than a piece of paper and the space bar on this one actually works for a change but it is still tough getting used to a new machine. As you could guess, I spend a lot of time at my computer and not only does every icon need to be in a particular spot on the screen for me to be happy I also need the keyboard to feel a certain way. And that’s a bit of an issue right now.

See, I never learned how to properly type. Never took a course and my hands are constantly in the wrong positions. However, I’ve memorized the keyboard and can type at a really good speed until my hands cramp up. This means that a new laptop has me hitting the caps lock key every five seconds because it is where the A key used to be. It’s like I should change my out of office message to “Expect productivity declines until my brain rewires itself.” Yeah, this is what I deal with at the office on a fairly regular basis.

The other big news story of the day is clearly the Pamela Anderson-Kid Rock divorce. Coming on the heels of the Reese-Ryan divorce, the Brit-K-Fed divorce and the impending Tom-Katie divorce (we’re going to rescue you Katie, just stay strong) this is really beginning to make me question the strength of relationships in Hollywood. There should be like a federal inquiry or something on this. I mean, who could ever imagine Kid Rock and Pam breaking up? Or were smart enough to take the under?

(Also, can someone explain the attractiveness of Pamela Anderson to me? This has bugged me for a decade now. I have never understood what made guys go nuts for her. She has enough plastic in her that if you held her next to an open flame she’d melt, she’s got absolutely no intelligence, and I don’t even think she has that pretty of a face. Is the interest in the injections and nothing else? And isn’t that kind of sad?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

make it the quad-fecta: Hilary Duff and that guy from Good Charlotte have split up.