Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Terrible Twos Begin Tonight!

I have to admit, I am utterly amazed by the following fact. Tonight (well, technically tomorrow but stay with me here) marks my two year anniversary in the blogsphere. Yes, as the ever growing list of past articles shows, it was just after the 2004 presidential election that I decided that my voice must be heard, that I had to propose my plan for a better world, and thus Battling the Current was born. Which then devolved into discussions on such varied topics as Lindsay Lohan, Voltron and dozens of bands that no one has ever heard of. But that’s beside the point. What I want to make abundantly clear is that I am without a doubt a more successful blogger than J.D. Salinger, Emily Bronte and William Shakespeare combined.

(Oh yeah, you can argue that they lacked things like computers and electricity but they’re supposed to be geniuses right? You’d think they could overcome a little hardship and start up a blog.)

Kidding aside, this really does feel like a major accomplishment for me. While I’ve been keeping a writer’s journal (it’s not a diary, damnit) since 1998 I would always hit a patch of one or two months where I wouldn’t write a single world. I’ve never really taken time off from this site, though, outside of when I’ve been out of town. If I’m near a computer I would make time to sit down and write whatever was on my mind. And while not all of it has been brilliance, I’d have to say that at times I’ve been able to make people laugh and think, which is all I’ve ever wanted to accomplish in the world. Given that two years ago I was going to be happy if anyone read it at all I’m proud of what this has become.

Of course, this means that it is time for a celebration and gifts to my faithful readers. And this time, I’m going to let you decide what I should do in honor of this occasion. I could put together Battling the Current Volume 3, another compilation of great music you’ve never heard of. I wouldn’t mind the next one of those being a theme (desert island songs, only drinking songs, whatever else you could think of). I could also make good on my promise of t-shirts but I’ll need to know that there is an actual demand before I make that effort. Or, I could do what I think is the best idea yet. See, I would basically like to buy everyone who reads this a drink since you’ve all essentially sat at the end of the bar with me and listened to my stories for two years. For that you are definitely owed a shot. So, we could set up a time where we all raise a glass and I either personally, or through the wonders of the internet, pay for a round of red headed sluts. Ideas (or better concepts)?

(Oh, and if you don’t have Battling the Current Volumes 1 and 2 and would like them, let me know. It’s the easiest way to understand all of the musical references that I make.)

I’ve got plans for the site as well. I want to increase the multimedia side of things (pictures would be a nice addition). There are some overall design issues that I’ve been putting off for a while that I need to address, mainly putting up a section of my favorite links. And I might move on to Blogger Beta, which would allow for tagging so that you could now get to all of the Forgotten Television Shows and Songbooks in one click. Plus, there is my usual goal of writing better and getting more readers and making the top 200,000 in technorati. Expect to see some upgrades sooner than later.

As always, thanks to everyone who reads this. There is no bigger thrill for me than to check my email and see that people have commented on the blog. It’s gotten me through more than a few rough patches over the past two years. And expect to have much more to read in the months and years ahead. I’m off to celebrate. Quo Vadimus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, so I told you about the personalized license plate that I saw that said "PV NRT" - which I admitted was kind of cool. There was also one I saw with "QNTMFZX" on a Saturn - which doesn't seem as cool, but is at least different.

work-related license plates are taking it a bit too far. today I saw one that said "PROJ MGR." I've seen things like PRES or VP on plates before (that's just bragging), but why would anyone want to advertise that they are a project manager? that is pretty lame. what if that person gets promoted or changes jobs?

I totally should gotten TRSRY or FIN ANLST before - uh yeah, right. now that I have a new job I have a new title that wouldn't fit on a license plate.

since I'm on the subject, here's an obscure Forgotten Television game show: Bumper Stumpers