Monday, January 09, 2006

The wonderful world of the modern drunkard...

Back to our regularly scheduled random programming…

1) I can’t believe that I wasn’t in Las Vegas last week. Not because it was the Consumer Electronics Show. Not because of the other event that coincides with CES that the news never bothers to mention (let’s just say that Silicon and Silicone Valley work on the same calendar). No, what I missed was the World Series of Beer Pong. This actually exists and I can’t believe that I forgot to pull my team together in time for this year’s event. Wait until next year, we’ll have a first round bye on reputation alone.
2) If there are any publishers out there reading my work here (and I know that you are out there), here is my book proposal. I want to travel the country and go to things like the World Series of Beer Pong and write about them for a year. Just drive around for a year and do things like visit Carhenge or see the World’s Largest Ball of Twine. Basically spend a year trying to see how silly one can be. I wouldn’t need much of an advance, just enough to pay for the trip. Any takers?
3) Had a brilliant idea come to me at the bar on Saturday night and it is one that would be greatly appreciated by my friends at The Modern Drunkard ( who list things that you need to accomplish in life like watch the sun rise with your buddies and a bottle (done) and open and close a bar (effectively done). Well, I was sitting at the end of the bar and looked down its length and counted twelve taps and thought, “There’s a challenge for you. You’ve got to run the beer taps in order.” Especially since the Guinness tap is in the middle so you’ve got to take that into account. I’m not saying that I am going to try this because it might be more than I could manage but it sure would make for an interesting night.
4) Ok, I’ve got one of my huge pet peeves at work that I need to get off my chest here. Everyone knows that I am caffeine free but I am unable to quit my coffee habit. This means I drink a lot of decaf. Luckily, I work for a company that offers you free office copy presuming you make it yourself. We have a regular pot and the orange top pot that every person on the planet would recognize as being for decaf. Except for the geniuses in my office who have decided that it is for the seven packets super caffeine pot. Which they label with a post it note “Caffeine”. Which means that I now have to walk to another building and pay for coffee just so I can be sure to have decaf. So here is my question: am I within my rights to dump their pot, make a decaf pot and put a post it note labeled “Decaf” on it? Seriously, that’s all I am asking for, some common courtesy and having decaf in the decaf pot. Is that too great a challenge?
5) And don’t even get me started on people talking on their phones in the bathroom. That is wrong on just so many levels.

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