Sunday, January 22, 2006

I can see clearly now...

Just a lot of random thoughts flowing through my head right now…

1) I don’t know when Battling the Current Volume 2 will be put together but I know one song that will definitely be on it. I’ve been listening to The Postal Service’s “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight” nonstop for the last 48 hours. Man is that an awesome song. If it referred to EC instead of DC then it might be an absolute masterpiece. Oh, and I know that it is really the guy from Death Cab for Cutie but to my ears The Postal Service sounds like Freedy Johnston doing an electronica album and that is a good thing.
2) Oh, and if you still don’t have Battling the Current Volume 1 let me know. I still have a few discs to get off my hands. Otherwise, these things will become birthday presents for the next couple of decades.
3) I’m not even going to talk about playing trivia on Friday night. My worst performance ever. I couldn’t get anything right. I couldn’t hit the floor if I fell off my barstool and I was tempted to try it as an experiment. I’m going to have to start studying for these things now except that while relearning my state capitals will be useful it is a lot less beneficial to remember that Tim DeLaughter used to front Tripping Daisy and not The Flaming Lips.
4) Anyone who knows me knows that I am a list type of guy, as shown by this posting. It goes beyond things like my top ten albums of the year or top five all time breakfast cereals (Fruity Pebbles, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cookie Crisp, and Captain Crunch). It means that I start off every weekend by writing out a detailed to do list in which every task that I must accomplish is listed (including the first bullet point which is always “Write To Do List”). Well, maybe “Must Accomplish” is a little strong. Certain items have stayed on the list for months. But, several of the toughest ones have finally been accomplished. First of all, yes, I was finally able to buy new shoes. My ankles held out long enough for me to finish a shopping trip and I have to say, you can really tell good customer service when you see it. When you go “Can I see this in a 9 ½” and the guy comes back with a half dozen boxes of other ideas you might like that is style.
5) The other thing is one that will get people who have known me for a long time to stand and cheer. I’ve finally gotten a new pair of glasses and I have finally said good bye to frames. I know, it still isn’t the same as getting contacts or laser surgery but I no longer have those big clumpy ugly things that I’ve hidden behind for several decades. In fact, combine that with my graying hair and I am looking more and more like Gil Grissom in CSI. I don’t know if that is a good thing or not.
6) Blog Housekeeping Note: I started an experiment the past few weeks and it looks to be working. See, I’ve known for a long time that my Thursday night posts have been weak at best. Actually, they’ve just sucked. There are some reasons behind it but mainly it is a) I typically have stuff going on on Thursday nights so I don’t have as much time and b) my life doesn’t always provide me with five days of interesting material. So, in an effort to change things up a little, I am going to try to turn my Thursday night post into “Creative Writing/Recurring Bit” night. What that means is you’ll see things like Forgotten Television Shows, Questions No One Asks But Should, Instructions for My Clone and Songbooks (posts that are either a series or really should be) as well as some more off the wall creative stuff. The good news is that this lets me be creative and I get to work on it during the week. If something happens that requires a regular post I’ll do that but for the next few weeks I want to see how this work. Hopefully it will keep from having to read and write a lot of “Man nothing is happening” posts.

The Five Random CDs of the Week:
1) Billy Bragg and Wilco “Mermaid Avenue”
2) Waco Brothers “New Deal”
3) R.E.M. “New Adventures in Hi-Fi”
4) Matthew Sweet “Girlfriend”
5) Lucinda Williams “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road”


Anonymous said...

How could you forget that Wayne Coyne fronts The Flaming Lips?

by the way - good episode of Austin City Limits tonight: Ryan Adams and Tift Merritt

Anonymous said...

hey my cousin Leila just released her CD. you can sample tracks and/or purchase it on