Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Scanning the dial...

Love Monkey Update: Show hit a decent bit of a stride tonight. I’m surprised by just how in depth they are going into the music scene. I’m not a hundred percent sure that it mirrors reality but it is probably a lot closer than anything that I’ve ever seen before. Plus, we got a Liz Phair shoutout as well as a guest appearance by Ben Folds (who looked like he had just rolled out of bed) so I can’t complain about that. Even better, it looks like Eric Bogosian might have a recurring role and if you need someone to play a smarmy record exec, Eric is the man. One point of concern though. Jason Priestly is playing a doctor. Let me repeat that, I am supposed to believe that Jason Priestly successfully completed medical school. I’m trying to think of an actor in a less fitting role. I’m pretty much down to Paris Hilton taking the lead in Nunsense.

Oh and even bigger television news we have UPN and WB merging to form an even bigger network that no one will ever watch. (Look, this is a public forum. It’s not like I can admit to watching the Gilmore Girls here.) I will say this is pretty unprecedented on a major network level. I’ve seen cable channels do it before (Comedy Central was actually formed by combining two other networks) but never big broadcast stations. I still don’t think that they will make much money since network television is dying a slow and painful death but hey, as long as Smackdown stays on the air I’ll be happy.

Completely changing gears here I have some good news in that I am starting to work out again. Yes, I can apparently do situps without pulling two hundred muscles, which is a major accomplishment. Of course, this means that I get to enjoy the wonders of the apartment workout room once again with this Sunday being a wonderful case in point. I go to put in my time on the treadmill thinking that I’ll watch the Steelers game while putting in my miles. See that someone else is already working out and per custom they control the remote. Not a problem since I also have my headphones (The Frames “Set List” makes a good workout disc). Well, not an issue until I look at the television and see that I am working out to the National Geographic channel. I’m not kidding, it was like sweat, look up, see piranhas devour some defenseless creature, focus for another lap, loop up, go “Hey, isn’t that a wildebeest?” and repeat. This would be the second worst choice I’ve ever seen for working out (with the worst being Oprah’s After the Show on Lifetime).

Oh, back to Love Monkey. They had the new female love interest list her top five songs. Dylan, The Cure’s Just Like Heaven, can’t remember the third. Then she listed The Clash “London Calling” (awesome song but a bit too much of a music snob statement) and her favorite Starship’s “We Built This City”. See, this is why I say the show might be a little too into music. For someone like me, I get the joke. The girl, who obviously knows her music, lists the worst song of all time as one of her favorites. I get it but I don’t know how many other people will. Still, nice to get a Starship reference out there in the pop culture world. Don’t see that every day.

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