Monday, September 05, 2005

Taking the day off

Well, in honor of it being Labor Day I spent the entire day lying on my couch, watching television, playing Playstation and reading Neil Gaiman’s 1602. Sure, I could have gone out and protested for workers’ rights or professed my desire for the downfall of the proletariat but that would have taken effort. Just taking a day off from the world is a very good thing for me right now.

That said, I already have good news for next weekend. The Notre Dame-Michigan game is going to be a nationwide game so I’ll definitely be able to watch it at home. As opposed to this Saturday’s game, which required me searching through several bars to find one that had the game on. See, the network had the choice of showing ND-Pitt or Texas A&M-Clemson and they chose A&M-Clemson. Because everyone knows that those two schools have a huge nationwide following that would get great ratings in KC. And it’s nice to know that even sports bars in this town don’t have satellites. Just one of those things that makes you go, “What in the world?”

It’s weird, not being in the office today has goofed up my entire schedule. We’re all creatures of habit at some level and not making that drive is going to leave me out of sorts this week. Plus, I know that my sleep schedule is going to be off all week since I’ve stayed up late for three nights (having fun but I don’t think that I can sleep until ten tomorrow). I’m hoping that work will be a little easier this week, or at least that I won’t be spending twelve hour days in the office once again. I like being busy, but not that busy.

Obviously, since I didn’t do much of note today I don’t have much to write about. But I’ve got one last note to discuss before I call it a night. My random CDs for the week are going to be an interesting bunch. I mean, two Freakwater CDs? That’s more faux Appalachian music than most people would listen to in a lifetime. The Nirvana CD is upbeat compared to those two. This is what happens when you trust a random number generator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reason why I don't like days off from work: its not like you really get a free day to waste, it just means that you have a shortened amount of time to get the same amount of work done as you usually get done in 5-6 days. I'm suspecting that this will not be a fun week.

btw - what is up with that comment above? didn't know it was possible to get spammed that way.