Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Star Wars...nothing but Star Wars....

(A comment on a comment. Please understand that there is a difference between a hot dog stand a hot dog cart. I certainly respect the hot dog cart vendor, who cares for me as I stumble my way back to my apartment and helps it my valiant effort to make myself somewhat less drunk. But what I’ve been looking for is a hot dog stand, which is best in the “it’s Saturday afternoon, there’s no way in hell I’m going to make anything to eat” sort of life. The place where you feel good in getting fast food since at least you’re not supporting a soulless corporation. I mean as opposed to every other moment of your life.)

Ok, my fun Kansas City news of the day. They are apparently filming a movie in Kelly’s tonight. Which means that Kelly’s is closed for the first time in well, possibly fifty years. Which means that tonight you have a lot of people standing around a building looking really confused. That look that says, “What do you mean the bar is closed? It’s never closed.” I swear to God, you could just sit and watch people look and stare in disbelief and then walk into the doorway or a wall because it has to be open. It just has to be. Trust me, for the ND crowd, imagine the look on my face if I walked over to the Backer and found that it was closed. Imagine that, just a thousand times over.

In other news, it will probably surprise people that I haven’t seen the new Star Wars movie yet. I know, my geekdom is now being taken into question. (Ok, my geekdom will never be questioned but a guy can hope, can’t he?) I’ve got a couple of Star Wars thoughts that I do have to share. I was thinking of great jokes to play on people outside the theater the first night. Like walking out of the theater and telling the people in line that “I can’t believe that C3PO killed all those people. It was like he was the terminator or something” or “Wow, I never expected that Lando was really Luke’s father.” Just to have some fun with the fanboys.

The second thing is based on a Wall Street Journal article on a Star Wars theme wedding. I think this is a great idea and that it should be used more often. Even if the bride and groom don’t know about it. Think about it, how awesome would it be for you and a couple of friends to show up at a wedding wearing stormtrooper outfits. Just because the bride and groom don’t want a theme wedding doesn’t mean that the rest of the crowd won’t be appreciative. I know I have some buddies out there who are nodding in agreement. As someone who has been photographed wearing a wrestling mask during a wedding reception, this just sounds like perfect sense.

Finally, I’ve mentioned G4TV before, which is the cable channel dedicated to video games. I think I am like one of four people in the country who get it and I am addicted to it. Or more specifically, I’m fascinated by Morgan Webb, the incredibly good looking host of Xplay. I’m sorry but an attractive woman talking about video games is insanely appealing. But she topped it by dressing up in a Star Wars outfit in an episode earlier this week. Ok, you know how there are row after row of books for women on how to meet men and how to get the right man and how to get married in 45 days and all of those. Here’s all you need to know. Dress up like a Star Wars character. I can guarantee you that you will receive a dozen marriage proposals before the day is over. Or at least one from me. I’m not sure I’m proud of that fact but damn, does Morgan Webb know her way around a lightsaber.

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