Wednesday, May 04, 2005

But it's an homage...

More confessions from a dangerous mind…

1) I’d like to thank Ticketmaster for informing me that the Elvis Costello concert was cancelled last night… a half hour after the concert was scheduled to begin. And then have the nerve to tell me that if I wanted a refund I could mail them my tickets but they would keep all of the processing charges. I’m pretty sure we are all in agreement as to who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
2) No, I haven’t seen the Hitchhiker’s movie yet. Well, I was in line on Friday and apparently the theaters in this town won’t let me see the movie while wearing a bathrobe even if I claim it is an homage. But the guys in the stormtrooper costumes are good to go. This is discrimination of the highest order (ok, maybe of the second highest order).
3) For those of you who are keeping an eye on the news: yes, the Kansas school board is holding a debate on evolution this week. And since I work in Kansas it is my tax dollars at work and boy does that make me proud. Apparently we are debating an issued that was settled I don’t know, seventy or eighty years ago. Kansas: where even though the horse has left the barn and the barn is on fire we hold a spirited debate as to whether or not now is the proper time to close the barn door.
4) As always, walking through Best Buy makes you wonder about the world. Found that they have now released Highway to Heaven on DVD, which I know that people must have be clamoring for. Again, I can’t get Night Court or Voltron but the five fans of Highway to Heaven are satisfied. On the plus side I did pick up the movie “singles” for something like six bucks. This pretty much completes my Gen X collection along with Reality Bites and Slacker. Well, if I could ever find Suburbia I’d pick that up as well.
5) A few Amazing Race comments from last night. First, it is fun to see the contestants in London making a really dumb mistake in assuming that a cab would be faster than the tube. Especially to head out to a place like the Millennium Dome. That just shows how thinking for five minutes can save you in that game. My other comment is that Boston Rob and Amber really do seem to make a great couple. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen them argue throughout the entire series and if there is any experience that will make you start to bicker it is a highly intense race throughout the world. (And if DJ is reading this, I’m still upset that you didn’t score me an invite to their wedding. Come on, everyone in Boston knows each other, right?)
6) No new Runaway Bride stories, but you do have to wonder what the guy was thinking when the guest list hit 600. You’d think that at some point he’d speak up and say “Do we have to invite literally the entire town?” Or at least raise the point that maybe this is getting a little out of control? Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EC, Circuit City has the first season of Night Court on DVD.