Thursday, May 19, 2005

Another week older

Some comments on last night’s comments and some other news and notes

1) Actually, the weight of a human head is in the fifteen to twenty pound range. Jonathan Lipnicki did have it wrong in Jerry Maguire. This should teach you one thing: Tom Cruise is a liar and can never be trusted. Are you listening to me Katie? I want you to realize this when you come crying back to me.
2) No, I have not read the latest Ya-Ya sisterhood book. I am much more psyched about the upcoming film “The sisterhood of the traveling pants.” Which is about a miraculous pair of jeans shared amongst a group of friends. And they said there are no new ideas any more. How do you pitch this movie, “It’s about a pair of jeans and its incredible journey.” What is the male equivalent of this? My guess is “The brotherhood of the Girls Gone Wild DVD.”
3) I would like to thank George Lucas for the following. Natalie Portman attended the premiere of Star Wars sporting a shaved head, which she did for her latest movie. When asked why in the world she shaved her head instead of using some special effects she replied, “After some of the hairstyles that I’ve had to sport in movies shaving my head was kind of liberating.” Thanks George, only you could inspire one of the most beautiful women on the planet to shave her head.
4) Caught the end of the Pistons-Pacers game tonight (in a bar, naturally). The Pistons were the better team and deserved to win but it is tough to see Reggie Miller go. He may not have been the most complete player ever but he was a gunner extraordinaire. You have to give a lot of credit who can make a living in the NBA based on his ability to hit three pointers for nearly twenty years. He was one of those guys who, if your life was hanging in the balance, that you would want to take the shot.
5) So, my neck of the woods made the news yesterday due to a bank robbery. First of all, the guy came from Wichita to rob the bank, which makes sense given that a Wichita bank has maybe a hundred dollars stored in it. Second, he had a sense of style in wearing a “Show me the money” t-shirt while robbing the bank. You know, if you’re going to go out, you might as well go out in style.
6) Last item, for those looking for an interesting read on society from an economist’s point of view, check out the book “Freakonomics.” Just finished reading it and it will make you think. I’m pretty sure it correctly answered why crack dealers lived with their mothers (and showed a great deal of similarity between street gangs and McDonald’s). The section on why the crime rate fell in the 90’s is still controversial but I think the math is right. Interesting book to check out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A miraculous pair of traveling pants? Sounds similar to the movie script Homer Simpson wrote about the killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason and who's best friend is a talking pie.