Monday, February 01, 2010

Vanity thy plate is...

Just a lot of random points today…

1) While driving around town I have seen a car with the following license plate a lot: “DANJRES”. Said car happens to be a mini-van with references to a number of local junior high and high schools attached via bumper stickers, one of which may be extolling the virtues of an honor student. I believe this wins the award for “most ironic vanity plate ever.”

2) Here is the best celebrity arrest story that I have ever heard. Rip Torn was arrested on attempted bank robbery when he was found in a closed bank building highly intoxicated and carrying a loaded revolver. There are three different levels of awesome to this story. 1) Screw the typical celebrity arrest of drunk driving or being charged with performing lewd acts in a public restroom. Rip Torn was charged with trying to rob a freaking bank. 2) Not only does he get completely wasted he makes sure to carry his gun with him during the process. And 3) his explanation? “I was extremely drunk and mistook the bank for my house.” This just raises the question of how freaking awesome is Rip Torn’s house that he confused it with a bank? I mean, I don’t think that I could get drunk enough to make that mistake.

3) Hey the Grammies happened last night! Yeah, I didn’t watch either. Apparently Lady Gaga wore a wacky outfit and Pink acted as a human sprinkler. Oh, and the blonde haired country singer won some awards. No, not the American Idol one. The other one.

4) Burger King is reporting earnings tomorrow and there is concern that they are going to report another reduction in same store sales. What most people believe is the cause is that there advertising campaign with the King is attractive to young males but freaks the hell out of everyone else. To be honest, I can say the same thing about the menu. Burger King embraced the large, super sized, completely unhealthy menu items and readily promoted it as a good thing. I don’t think the world needs a triple Whopper. Outside of when I am at an airport and have no other option I can’t recall the last time I ate at Burger King.

5) Hey the Pro Bowl was last night too! Yeah, I didn’t watch that either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen that bank? It's hilarious - it actually does look like a house. Apparently it doesn't look like Rip Torn's house, but it does resemble a house.