Sunday, February 21, 2010

Have some maple syrup with that defeat

USA! USA! USA! We beat the Canadians on the anniversary of the Miracle on Ice (or near it, I’m trusting Wikipedia for this information.) It’s nice to see us perform well in sports that were always Olympic sports as opposed to the ones that were created for Americans to win. Think about all of the sports that are in the games now that weren’t fifteen or twenty years ago. All of the snowboard events, the freestyle skiing, skeleton, short track speed skating, those are all new additions to the games. Makes you wonder just how Jim McKay filled the broadcast when a day may have consisted entirely of biathlon. Incredibly that coverage was a thousand times better than what we have now.

It’s been a rather quiet weekend for me. Sometimes there are weekends when you just want to take on the world and spend every possible moment maxing out your excitement meter. Other weekends all you want to do is fall asleep on your couch while waiting for your dryer to finish its latest batch of laundry. This was one of those weekends. I did laundry and cleaned and ran a few errands but for the most part my main accomplishment was repeatedly falling asleep on my couch during the afternoon. I guess that shows how sleep deprived I’ve been recently. I know that napping isn’t entirely the best thing for me but when my body yells stop I try to listen to it. That and my couch is really, really comfy.

Also, it warmed up enough that some of the snow has melted and I can actually see grass again. Haven’t seen that around here for a couple of weeks. I’ll be happy when winter ends and we get out of this snow cycle. I like snow, I really do, but at this time of year I tend to just get tired of winter and reach a point where all I want to do is go outside and be in the sun for a little while and not worry about if my ice scraper is going to last another storm.

I guess I will add in my thoughts on the whole Tiger Woods apology. Personally I was hoping for him to either a) deny everything and say that he has never cheated on his wife or b) fully own up to everything with what could only be described as a sense of arrogant pride. Not that I think that either of those choices would be the wisest; I just think that they would have been really, really funny. Instead we get a press conference that wasn’t a press conference in that there were no press there and no one could ask any questions. We had Tiger read a scripted statement, awkwardly hug his mom and that was it.

I’ll at least say that I feel that Tiger is sincere in his apology. He knows that he was wrong and hates what he has put Elin and his family through. In fact, the only times he became emotional was when he was talking about them: either in terms of the press hounding them or the allegations of spousal abuse. As for his own actions, and the overall reaction to them, he was calmly detached. Again, not that he doesn’t feel remorse but I think he truly views himself as two different personas. There is the private person who screwed up relationships and then there is Tiger Inc. the golfing and marketing machine. He wants the public to see Tiger Inc. and only Tiger Inc. while completely ignoring his private life.

The problem is he is too big of a celebrity for that. You can’t be a billion dollar brand and not have your personal actions be put on display. I understand his plea for privacy and his desire to put this behind him but it will not happen. It is too much of a story, too much of a mark on his personal brand, for that to happen.

The five random CDs for the week:
1) Kelly Hogan “Because It Feel Good”
2) Paul Burch “Fool for Love”
3) Cat Power “The Covers Record”
4) Charlie Parker “Charlie Parker Plays Standards”
5) Kelly Willis “Well Traveled Love”

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