Wednesday, June 24, 2009

And where are the Dinobots?

Ok, I have to start with the photo of Courtney Love that is making the rounds in which Courtney looks like, well, it is tough to describe what she looks like. Let’s say you started with the skeleton of Courtney Love and then added a small layer of skin. That is pretty much it. It isn’t that she looks unhealthy but more like I can’t comprehend how she is still upright. Zombie Courtney Love would look healthier than she does right now and I do not talk about zombies lightly. I know I often recommend that My Beloved Lindsay have a sandwich but in this case Courtney needs to spend a good month at a smorgasbord.

Also, I hate to disappoint everyone but I will not be going to see the new Transformers movie this weekend. Not even with twin jive talking robots providing the comic relief in much the same way that Jar Jar did during the prequels that shall not be named. I really have no desire to see this one. The first one at least had the draw of seeing your favorite cartoon brought to life along with the desire to see how badly they ruined Megatron. (Seriously, what could be better than his transforming into a gun? How do you change that?) Now it is just two and a half hours of noise and poorly designed robots and if I wanted to experience that I would just run my Roomba.

Finally, in the news story that is so bizarre even I couldn’t have made it up we have the governor of South Carolina making people realize that yes, South Carolina has a governor. I mean, outside of an old Benson episode I never realized that they even had any form of organized government. First off, I love the fact that a governor can just disappear. I have to inform my company of every step I take but he can just take off and leave and no one on his staff or in the government has a clue where he is.

Then we have the wonderful stories passed along. “He is hiking the Appalachian Trail”, “He has a history of going off by himself” and “No, it is not unusual for him to disappear without warning on Father’s Day” are some of my personal favorites. In reality we find him returning from Argentina of all places. Now I have a history of going off grid at times but I’ve never thought of taking off to Argentina especially with New Orleans being a much closer flight. And now we find out that the trip to Argentina was to see his mistress which only leads me to wonder why he couldn’t find a more convenient mistress. I mean, if you are going to ruin your life you should at least not have to bring a passport with you. At the end of the day we have a ruined political career, a family ripped apart on national television and an increased amount of attention on the women of Buenos Aries. I thought that I had seen everything in politics but this one is rather unique.

Wednesday Night Music Club: I’m in a Death Cab for Cutie mood at the moment. Let’s embrace it, shall we?

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