Friday, June 27, 2008

A disc you don't own but should

It’s late at night so this will be a shorter post than usual. So instead of my usual ramblings I am going to try to be slightly more direct tonight.

Step One: Please click play on the above video and listen to what is one of the most mesmerizing songs that I have heard in ages.

Step Two: Spend the next ten minutes silently singing the phrase “It’s not over” in a sense of determination and almost vengeful pride.

Step Three: Go to whatever location you purchase music (and I mean purchase, not download without paying) and buy the disc “Wire Waltz” from The Last Town Chorus. I am just amazed at the sound of this disc. I know that I’ve posted the cover of Modern Love before as well but seriously, this is just a standout record. The lap steel is just incredible and seems to be its own force on the disc. I only learned about them this year so I’m slightly behind the coolness curve but they are still way too unknown than should rightfully be the case.

(And yes, I could say that I am unbelievably smitten with Megan Hickey. Anyone who can write, play and sing like that just leaves me in stunned awe. Though based on this song she is also someone I would try desperately not to piss off.)

I’d like to write more but today was filled with interviews with more interviews tomorrow that I really should a) prepare for and b) get some sleep for. But at least things are moving. At some point I should hopefully be gainfully employed. Can’t say that I am looking forward to it but it would make me get up in the morning. That is probably a good thing.

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