Thursday, April 03, 2008

I'm not trying to be a hippie...

Just a whole bunch of random stuff tonight…

Point # 1: I just got back from the Spoon concert. I don’t know if this was because of Spoon or because of the Uptown but some part of this show was sponsored by Camel cigarettes. As in there were big Camel logos everywhere, between sets large video screens portrayed a running film discussing the cool, crisp taste of a Camel, and as I left I walked past a glass case that contained what can only be described as spinning tobacco leaves. The end result of all this? I really wanted a cigarette and the Uptown is no smoking. I don’t know if it was either very effective advertising or an April Fools prank that they left up overnight.

Show was pretty good. Loud and packed, which is what I needed tonight. I did however take my usual space in front of the soundboard with my back firmly on the guardrail. At least this way I know that no one is going to be running into me from behind. That and I can keep my eyes on the dumb dancing guys in front of me.

Point # 2: For those who were in the pool, I received my first message from my old job requesting assistance at 8:21 this morning. So it took just slightly more than two days for things to fall to pieces in my absence. I’m kind of surprised that it took that long. I’m surprised that the lights are even working without me there.

(Why yes, I am often referred to as an arrogant prick. Why do you ask?)

Point # 3: I’ve had a couple of people ask me what my first few days of unemployment have been like. The good news is that I have been motivated enough every morning to put on pants. That might not sound like much but trust me, going into this I was really wondering if I was entering a pants free phase of my life and that wouldn’t be enjoyable for anyone. I really haven’t started the job search yet (wanted at least a moment to catch my breath) but I can’t say that I have been totally unproductive. The apartment is clean and organized and I even started scanning in some old photos. At least I don’t spend the day half asleep on my couch wondering what is going to be on Oprah today.

Mainly what I’ve been doing is slowly outlining my novel and editing some of the old stories. Foodie has been kind enough to make sure that I get out of my apartment and writing, a feat that she probably deserves a medal for. The good news is that I am nearing something almost resembling a novel outline. I at least know what happens in the first couple of chapters though I need to settle in on some characters still. Hope is to have the outline done this week and start writing in earnest next week.

Oh and for some reason I walked around Westport yesterday wearing a fake mustache. Sadly, that is the only time in my life I will ever have a mustache (damn you puberty! Finish up already!) There are pictures but I believe the holder of them will retain them for future blackmail purposes.

Wednesday Night Music Club: An actual upbeat song in the music club for once. Not my typical fare to be sure. First, I just like Gomez and I don’t think I’ve ever included one of their songs. Second, any opinions on whether I should get glasses like the guy in the video? I don’t know if I could look cool in them or if I would just be unbelievably dorky in them. Finally, and this actually has nothing to do with the video, yes I know I need a haircut. I’m getting one this weekend. I figured not having to go into the office would allow me to last one extra week without a haircut. Hence the uncontrollable mop of hair on top of my head right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My interview went all right this morning... I think the job sounds perfect for me but I don't know what they will think. We are going to have a finalized divorce to celebrate one of these days!