Saturday, April 26, 2008

All these people questioning me...

Time for another set of Infrequently Asked Questions…

Q: So how is the novel going?
A: Uh, it’s a, going. Not as well as I would have hoped but that is due to a variety of factors. I’m still getting used to the fact of just sitting down and writing for a few hours and it has been a long time since I wrote fiction. Or at least more fictional than what I write here on a daily basis. It takes a little bit of time to get into the groove. Add to that the fact that my schedule has been all screwed up the past few weeks and it makes it tough for me to hit the word totals that I was aiming for. It will turn around this week.

Oh, and there is the side bit about the fact that I am really happy right now and it is tough for me to write when I’m happy. I’m a better writer when I am bitter and depressed. But right now I would much rather be a really crappy writer.

Q: Did you actually spend part of this afternoon lying on the couch listening to a poker tournament?
A: Yes. I was really tired. Even Jennifer Tilly playing poker wasn’t enough to make me look at the screen. Though listening to other people play poker is just slightly less boring than watching other people play poker.

Q: Do you ever think about trying out for Jeopardy?
A: I was asked this last night. The thought has crossed my mind. The big thing is that if I did I would have to spend a few months studying for it. I would just spend every waking hour with almanacs memorizing things until they became second nature to me. Right now my trivia knowledge base is rather interesting. I can kill in pop culture, history and sports and I have an impressive amount of knowledge across all other subjects but there are a lot of the basics that I just don’t know. I’m bad at geography and food. I still don’t know my state capitols. I know nothing about animals except which ones are tasty when barbecued. I’d have to fix those gaps before I tried.

It would be a nice source of income, though.

Q: Since you obviously are too tired to write right now can you just close out with a music suggestion?
A: Sure here is my new favorite band, The White Rabbits. This is all kinds of awesome.

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