Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Life is now officially a sitcom...

Wednesday Night Music Club: This is probably the best known act that I have ever featured on a Wednesday. I mean, Aimee Mann performed on the Oscars and that is watched by a billion people. Of course that last stat is entirely untrue as the Oscars aren’t even the most popular show in the States and never rank amongst the top shows of all time. I think the only one that does is when John Wayne received an honorary Oscar. And think about it, would anything (other than the World Cup final) actually gain the attention of 1/6th of the world’s population. Given that we can discount most of China and India from watching the Oscars we now need a quarter of the rest of the world to watch and that just isn’t going to happen. But I digress…

The interesting thing is that I really was never that big of an Aimee Mann fan until I saw her in concert. I’m not entirely sure why I went to see her, other than I knew that she was playing in Lawrence and I had more than enough free time on my hands. But am I glad that I went. She is just an incredible performer and songwriter and just seems to be one of the coolest people that you could ever see. I think I’ve ended up picking up every disc that she has released and I listen to them constantly. Here’s Pavlov’s Bell, a rather neat song.

This news story was all around the net today and it bothered me for some reason. This week marks the twentieth anniversary of Baby Jessica falling down the well. Ok, I understand that part and I remember it being a big story because child in danger with a happy ending will always make headlines. I can even see a twenty years later story as we find Baby Jessica now a 21 year old mom in a West Texas town. No problem there, either. It’s the million dollar trust fund that she will receive at 25 that bothers me.

According to the stories, there were over a million dollars in donations given to Baby Jessica 20 years ago so they set up a trust fund for her that she can’t access until she turns 25. Does this strike anyone else as odd? I mean, I fully understand people donating money to help defray costs for the medical bills and the rescue efforts. I can even see sending gifts or sympathy or encouragement for going through a tough ordeal. But becoming a millionaire for falling down a well as a baby and surviving the event effectively unscathed? Doesn’t that just seem wrong for some reason? Or am I really just that cynical of a bastard that I can’t see that this is just a karmic payment for pain and suffering?

Switching gears, I’ll just provide the highlights in celebrity gossip for the week. My beloved Lindsay is out of rehab and there are already rumors floating around of her hanging out at bars and drinking. That’s my girl! Also, she has hooked up with a new boyfriend who is sadly not me though I have to be sixth on the depth chart by now. The cool story is that this guy was engaged and he broke up with his fiancé by simply never telling her about it. He just stopped returning her calls and she started seeing the paparazzi shots in the paper. That might be the cruelest thing that I have ever heard. And remember, my beloved would still rather date him over me. But, it’s only a matter of time.

Oh, and Paris Hilton going to Rwanda is part of a reality show. Because when I think of wacky reality show hijinks I think of Rwanda. Sigh. And people wonder why when I go to Europe I claim to be from Saskatchewan.

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