Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Nature Boy would be proud...

New Year’s Resolution #1 (of many): Learn how to write in paragraph form again…

1) This is what I love about the blog. One night I write a, uh, pensive piece about the state of my life. The next day I’m talking about Lindsay Lohan stripping. Day after that I get comments discussing the trailer to the Transformers movie. I’m expecting to get sued for whiplash by people who just read this site.

2) Tonight was a very proud moment in my life. After over twenty five years of tireless effort and research, my in depth knowledge of professional wrestling has finally come in handy. Yes, in tonight’s trivia game the next to last category was pro wrestling and I just rocked the house. Who won the first Royal Rumble? Hacksaw Jim Duggan (broadcast on USA). Who almost died in a parasailing accident? Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake (real name: Ed Leslie). What team ended up winning tonight? Ours. Seriously, this may have just justified my very existence, or at least helped to explain the stack of wrestling DVDs that I’ve hidden in my apartment on the basis that they are probably not the sort of thing that you want the prospective girlfriend to come across.

3) Speaking of wrestling, there is going to be a big pop culture story on Jan. 1 as John Cena will defend his world title against Kevin Federline. I shit you not. Also, based on his interview on Raw (and I quote here) “K-Fed is dead, it’s Keven Federline bitches.” The amazing thing? I really want to see this. Federline actually put together one of the best heel (bad guy) promos that I’ve seen in ages. Just completely sold himself as an arrogant, good for nothing, piece of white trash who still thinks that the world belongs to him. Ok, so maybe that isn’t any different than if I watched him order a latte at Starbucks but still, it’s pretty damn entertaining. Part of me wants to see him get his ass kicked, part of me wants to see him win so he can start a reign of terror and bad pop songs.

4) I’ve changed the route that I use when I drive home so now I go past the new Chick-Fil-A. Now, I’m a supporter of Chick-Fil-A, especially given that they sponsor the bowl game that I feel is a metaphor for my life. But still, I’m not sure that it justifies the fact that when I drive home the Drive-Thru lane is packed about ten cars deep night after night. Either they really have to rethink their process flow diagrams or the greater KC metro area is just desperate for a chicken sandwich. Seriously, I know that it is a new fast food place and people are curious but would you ever wait in that long of a line for a sandwich? It just shows that people don’t care about quality nearly as much as they care about novelty.

5) This is going to amaze my classmates but I’ve actually been invited to attend a Marketing symposium at ND. I can see the conversations now. “So, what classes are most beneficial for a career in marketing?” “Don’t know, never took one other than Intro to Marketing.” “What’s the best way to get a job?” “No idea, someone read my blog and gave me a position.” “Why are the finance professors pointing at you and shouting, ‘Traitor!’ Oh, and why does your nametag read “Darth EC”?” “There is much power in the dark side.”

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