Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Rerun Van Pelt and other literary legends...

Lots of topics in search of a theme…

1) Somehow ended up in an email conversation with Super today in which I started reciting entire Peanuts comic strips. Figured that I would post one of my favorites involving Linus and Lucy’s younger brother, Rerun. “Yes Ma’am… I’m writing a story.. It’s about this kid who’s in kindergarten and how the stress is slowly destroying him.. Every morning he… Ma’am? Well, I have another one here about some purple bunnies..” That’s my life in a nutshell.

2) Speaking about my life, we all know that the 14th is next week. And once again, barring any unforeseen circumstances it looks like I will be spending Valentine’s Day alone, again. This shouldn’t be that big of a deal since I consider Valentine’s Day to be just another Hallmark holiday, just like Sweetest Day and Christmas. But, I still need a gameplan on how to handle the day marked for couples when there is currently only one of me. Typically I would just turn off all the lights in my apartment and listen to The Smiths all night long (because if you are miserable you can always rely on Morrissey to feel your pain.) But since that might not be the most productive thing to do I am throwing it out to the Interweb for suggestions. What should I do next Tuesday night? Build a My Space page? Go to the biggest dive bar I can find and wallow in my sorrows? Help me out here.

3) Since it is February that means that it is also sweeps month. This means that I get confronted by the evening news teasers on “Watch tonight’s news to find out what common household product may be killing you in your sleep” or “Watch our hidden camera footage at local adult establishments.” I love the latter, which is always just an excuse to show blurry, out of focus shots from strip clubs and result in giving five minutes of free advertising to businesses that legally can’t advertise on television. Last year this also resulted about them doing an expose on rowdy behavior after closing time that included a shot that I swear must have been taken from directly in front of my place. It was the first time that I thought that I might have made the evening news.

4) Last note, just came back from another Richard Buckner concert in which he once again played an hour and a half set without ever talking to the crowd, introducing a song, or bothering to even have the music stop. Add to that the fact that I don’t think that one of his songs has had a chorus for a good eight years and it just becomes one of the most unusual shows in existence. You can barely tell when one song ends and another begins. Also, it makes it really difficult to know when to clap.

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