Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dream a little dream

I can’t believe that the U.S. lost to Finland today. Those god damn Finns with their national health care and fjords and months of total darkness. Man I hate those guys. (This is what I love about the Winter Olympics, for two weeks every four years I can express my displeasure with otherwise non-descript European nations due to family slights that occurred generations ago. Though this also means that these are the two weeks every four years that people ask me, “Dude, what the hell do you have against Latvia?”)

Actually, I’m not surprised that we lost to Finland. The Finns were the one team in the tournament that were playing really smooth hockey and taking advantage of the larger rinks. The Canadians losing is even more severe as there will be a lot of Molson being morosely drunk tonight. How they hit a scoring drought I’ll never understand. Oh well, at least we will always have curling to look forward to.

Ok, I’m going to do something that I do occasionally and that is probably really annoying but I do anyway and that is talk about the dreams that I had last night. I know that no one ever wants to hear about someone else’s dream. I mean, you guys weren’t there and it is a lot more interesting to me than to you but at least these two were relatively interesting.

The first one I’ve mentioned before as I’ve been having this recurring dream where I have a paper due for a class and I haven’t started it and we are now down to the night before and I’m tired and don’t want to write it. I am having this dream on a monthly basis now and I hate it because these dreams a) make me go look at my diplomas to make sure that I actually have my degrees so I probably don’t really owe a report to anyone and b) this dream in particular is always a sign that I am really stressing out. The good news is that last night I may have been able to take advantage of a lucid state and change the nature of the dream. Now the paper that I have due is no longer on some vague science topic but is now a twelve page report on the mythology of Star Wars. Can’t really stress out about that, it actually sounds like a pretty enjoyable evening of writing.

(Oh, and a lucid state is where you are dreaming and you realize that you are dreaming and can then change what is going on in your dream. And fly, if you want to. I’ve been able to have lucid dreams since I was a sixteen (or at least that is the first one that made me wake up and go, “Whoa, what the hell just happened?”) and one of these days I will write about what it is like. My easiest explanation is that it is like being in a meditative state that people spend years trying to achieve, except that in my case it’s just Tuesday.)

Anyway, here is the second one, which is a little more bizarre. I was talking to someone at a bar and proudly showed off that I had Paris Hilton’s phone number. As in, she had written it on a napkin and gave it to me. This had me asking on waking, “Wait, do I really have her number?” Answer: I actually did at one point in time (thanks Super) but to my knowledge I’ve never actually met her. The weird thing is that in those first few seconds of waking it seemed perfectly reasonable to believe that I met her in a bar one night and got her number. I mean, last weekend was her birthday and all so who knows what might have happened. But this also tells me that maybe, just maybe, I’m a little too into pop culture. When it’s invading your subconscious mind maybe that is a sign that you should put down the Entertainment Weekly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, the thought process should have been: "I couldn't have met Paris. The only person less likely to come to Kansas City than Paris Hilton, is Patrick Starzan."