Monday, February 06, 2006

Random states...

Here’s a good description of the current state of my life. Went over to Harry’s this evening for dinner and discovered that once again I was the only person in the bar who wasn’t receiving a paycheck from the place. And you know what? That’s not the first time that’s happened. Now if I could bring them to hire me part time I would solve that problem but until then I am just going to be a very loyal customer.

(Before anyone worries, the reason I went out is that I got home late and hadn’t eaten and really didn’t want to reheat leftovers for another night. Especially not when I could walk two blocks and get some gumbo.)

A couple of other random comments that I have to discuss. There was one celebrity news story that I missed talking about last week. We had the revelation that the girl on Full House (the one who isn’t an Olsen twin) is a recovering meth addict. Of course, the classic part of the sotry was that her intervention was staged by John Stamos, Bob Saget and the Olsen Twins. Which leads to two questions 1) was Dave Coulier too busy that week and 2) how seriously could you take an intervention that featured the Olsen Twins? I know that I would need a drink just to get through it.

Switching topics, not much else to report from the Super Bowl. The Magic Fridge spot from Bud Light was deemed the best ad and it was funny. Not uproariously funny but good for a chuckle. I did see the uncensored ad for GoDaddy.Com and yeah, it probably pushed the boundary a little. I’ve seen a lot worse on television but they probably got more publicity by being banned in the first place. It was nice to see that ESPN’s Bill Simmons completely stole my idea and kept his running journal as well. He even took a lot of my lines. The only difference being that he is on the most popular website around and I have, well, all of my faithful readers.

Ok, one last bit on a very disjointed night. Most of my paycheck goes to Ticketmaster but tonight was a first for me in my relationship with Ticketmaster. I received tickets to two shows tonight and could not remember what shows I had bought tickets for. I was pretty sure that one was for Lucinda Williams but had no idea what the other one was for. Finally when I looked at it saw that it was for Pat McGee. If you ever need proof that I attend way too many concerts the fact that I can no longer keep track of what shows I’ve bought tickets for is probably as good a sign as any.

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