Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's nostaliga-rific

Oh no, it’s time for another list.

1) Just made it back from my monthly poker night. Tonight was a rather respectable third place finish with a couple of tough losses and some incredibly lucky hands in the mix. Actually, third was about where I should have finished so I have to say while I am not overjoyed with my play at least it didn’t suck this time around.

2) Yes, I own Reality Bites. I think that came up earlier this year when I went on my spree of creating the ultimate Gen X’er DVD collection. Even though a lot of the movies just aren’t worth a second viewing. I mean, how many times does one need to see the movie Singles and reminisce about the Seattle scene. Beautiful Girls on the other hand is definitely worth having just to see Natalie Portman outact everyone in the cast at the age of 14. She might be the only person able to break the child star curse. Though the Star Wars curse may raise its ugly head as well.

3) I’m pretty sure that the latest comments means that we are now at the point where there are even no good retro television shows to mine for movie ideas. Is there anybody yearning for a Chips movie? Seriously, does anyone care? That’s my problem with the entire TV remake genre. Just because a few movies hit it big doesn’t mean that we all want to see television shows. It’s just that we are so attached to shows like The Brady Bunch or The Addams Family that we hear that they are turning it into a movie and go “Awesome.” But otherwise we really don’t care. I could just buy the show on DVD. Hell, for the same cost I could hire Erik Estrada to come over to my place and read some of the old scripts.

4) That said, good to see Wilmer Valderamma is still getting work. He’s a modern day Scott Baio. Which means that I hope that Wilmer has a really good investment strategy in place right about now.

5) If I haven’t mentioned it yet, I did pick up the MTV DVD of Beavis and Butthead last weekend, even though I own some of the other released DVDs. I mean, there are some videos on this one that I don’t have (including Wilco’s Box Full of Letters which I have only seen on Beavis and Butthead.) They do include the classic Pantera video in which they keep on saying things like “Oh, are you going to cry Pantera” and “You’ll treat your stepmother with respect Pantera.” Trust me, it’s funny on a Friday night when you have nothing to do. I’ve been making my way through some of the older episodes and you really discover how much the show improved over time.

6) Sadly, I think we need to officially remove the Simpsons from the must watch television roster. It’s one of my favorite shows of all time but the quality is just falling farther and farther. We’re at the point where I can predict the jokes now. Like you’re watching it and going “Now they’ll cut to the crazy cat lady” and it happens. That’s just a sign of lazy writing and trust me I am an expert at it. Still a decade and a half is a pretty respectable run.

7) I’m calling it a night. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

any Oregon Trail fans out there?