Thursday, August 27, 2009

My mind goes in odd directions

Some random thoughts to close out the week…

1) Moon rock at Dutch museum turns out to be petrified wood: This teaches us one important lesson: that there are trees on the moon. Ok, that is what I would take from it but then again I spent way too many years living in a state where the main debate is whether something other than intelligent design should be taught in schools. I am going to assume that all of the Dutch were too high to notice that their rock was not actually a rock. Either that or it was the geologists turn to stick his finger in the wall and thus did not have an opportunity to examine it.

2) Fat chick eliminated on More to Love: That is not really fair but it is really interesting to note that the two women eliminated in this week’s episode were the heaviest contestants remaining. As much as Luke says he wants a full figured woman it is intriguing that he got rid of the ones that best fit that description. Hell, Mandy (who should win, dump Luke immediately and get a better guy) is a fitness and dance instructor. (She also deserves props for getting super jealous and upset while watching Luke kiss Kristian. She is right, she should be no one’s second best.) And I still don’t understand how Tali is still around.

3) Poor, poor Kristian: The saddest part of this episode was the elimination of Kristian, who was the one contestant who I would say was truly in love with Luke. I mean to the point that she was picking out the china patterns. She tells Luke that she loves him, puts her heart out on the line and then is eliminated that same night. In real time it may have been a span of an hour or two. It was quite possibly the cruelest thing I have ever seen on television. She was just completely heartbroken. What really bothers me is that on shows like this the producers encourage the bachelor to keep people like Kristian around just so they can get moments like this. I will say that as someone who has felt the sting of rejection enough times that I feel for her but just remember that when you finally break through you appreciate what you have more than anything in the world.

4) Passing of Ted Kennedy: First off, I agree with people that we need to remember the bad with the good of Ted Kennedy. The man was certainly no saint and I don’t believe that he ever attempted to portray himself that way. So while Chapaquidick must be mentioned it does not have to be the focus. What should be remembered is that he was a very good politician. For being the other brother, the one who had to live up to a legacy that was mythologized beyond all belief, he did a rather amazing job. Regardless of what you feel of his political stance he did create a number of laws that have benefited society. And in my mind his eulogy at Robert’s funeral will always be one of the best speeches ever given. He will be missed.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

1 comment:

KO said...

He may have given one hell of a speech for his brother, but I think we have seen the value of a good orator who is not-so-secretly a socialist. I can only hope that his passing does not increase anyone's guilt for not wanting to create an English medical society sans the awesome accent. Gee, I wonder if the Democrats are going to want to pay for my next 15 CT scans? Probably not. I do appreciate his alcoholic tendencies. It was his best quality.