Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eagles New Theme Song: Who Let the Dogs Out

I’m just going to run through a few random musings here as it is getting rather late and I still have a few too many things to take care of.

1) I will no longer make fun of people who exercise using the Nintendo Wii. Or people who do yoga in general. It is apparently impossible for me to balance on one leg. Now, given my injury history the “stand on one leg and jam your other foot into your crotch” pose is a bit of a challenge but man, I can’t hold a pose for the life of me. I am getting better though and that is the important thing. Also, EA Active can just be a killer at time given how much it loves forcing you to do lunges. Various parts of me hurt at the moment.

2) I would like to congratulate the slacker hipster Cubs fan who tossed a beer on the Phillies Shane Victorino last night causing Victorino to press assault charges. (Really, a drink in the face is now assault? I should think about that next time I need to use some pick up lines.) However, this does indicate just how soft Cubs fans are. “Ooh, we’re going to be tough and spill beer on the outfielder.” On the South Side we’ll go and beat up the first base coach until he suffers hearing loss. Heck, we’ve taken swings at an umpire. You come to our park you better be prepared to get your ass kicked.

3) Also, have to love the outrage from the Phillies fans. A fan base who a few weeks ago had a murder occur in the parking lot before the game by two groups of fans who got into an argument over spilled beer. They really don’t have much moral ground to stand on when you have someone beaten to death in your recent history.

4) And continuing with the local sports beat Michael Vick signed a two year contract with the Eagles. Yep, not only did my local team sign a convicted felon but they decided to give him a two year deal. I can’t wait to see the protesters lined up in front of the stadium met by drunken fans in Jaworski jerseys. It will make the health care town hall meetings look downright tame. Ok, maybe tame isn’t the right word to be used with regards to Vick.

Ok, I’m calling it a night before I fall asleep at the keyboard. Have a good weekend everyone.

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