Thursday, May 14, 2009

Such warrantless gossip...

I need to start off by addressing those unfounded rumors that My Beloved Lindsay is preggers. First off, this is complete nonsense as we all know that she is as pure as the driven snow and is saving herself for marriage. Therefore, if by some miracle she actually is with child than this must be considered a virgin birth and we must all act accordingly. I am stocking up on frankincense as we speak just in case.

You might think I am joking but I have read the prophecies. Nostradamus is quite clear on this one…

Though tempted by a sister the parent trap shall bare
Her body and soul amidst the white powder
The rule of Georgia shall mark the finding of who killed me
She should never have dyed her hair blonde

On a totally different note I caught the finale of Hell’s Kitchen tonight and was very glad to see that Danny won. He was clearly the best chef on the show and I am almost tempted to go to Atlantic City to try out his restaurant. I mean, I totally would if it didn’t mean that I would have to go to New Jersey in the process.

Of all the reality shows, Hell’s Kitchen is simultaneously the most fake and the most real. It is totally fake in that Gordon Ramsey’s persona is so over the top and the challenges are created in such a way that it just happens that the women’s team wins when the reward is a spa treatment or a photo shoot while the men’s team win when the reward is go cart racing. Also, every challenge comes down to the wire. There is never a blowout.

The other part that isn’t really fake but shows what is unnecessary is that the show could really be done in only a few episodes. The entire idea behind the show is these chefs are competing to be a head chef at a new restaurant with Ramsey picking the winner. The thing is after episode three he has already picked the two or three people who could possibly win and we then spend the next two months getting rid of everyone else. This isn’t really wrong (Anthony Bourdain would just line all 16 chefs up, say “make me an omelet”, pick a winner and then head to a bar) but it almost takes the drama out of it. We all knew it was going to be between Danny and Paula.

But even with all of that this is the only cooking show that actually gives a sense of what it is really like in a restaurant kitchen. For as much as I love Top Chef it really is a show about making one dish exceptionally well. Hell’s Kitchen is about getting stuck in the weeds as a line chef, dealing with irate customers and an insane head chef, and making it through the night without seriously injuring yourself. Despite all the over the top theatrics that take place on the show that is completely real. It makes for a good mix.

Didn’t post a song last night (was either going to use Timbuk 3 or Vitamin C but thought that was going to be too cheesy.) Instead I will post this song by Lisa Hannigan that I just simply adore. If you want to have a sense of just what my life has been like these past few months just listen to the lyrics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it.