Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wow, Kansas has a governor now...

Does the amount of clapping at the State of the Union address bother anyone else? I always get this sense that I am watching the Soviet Politburo again. The “Oh crap, someone stood up to cheer. Now I have to do the same.” True, it is better than having people randomly yell out “you suck” but it is a very odd tradition.

I at least listened to the address while doing some work. That beat my original plan of watching Monday Night Raw instead. So for the record I am more interested in the future of the country than the return of John Cena. It was a rather boring address. I would like it more if people would point out that the reason we are pulling some troops from Iraq is because their tours are up and we have no one to replace them but those details get in the way of a good story. Oh well, at least I’ll be able to vote in a primary that might actually matter next week.

(One last Simpsons note from last night. Nice to see Kurt Loder get work. Actually, nice to have proof that Kurt is still with us. Sigh, I miss the Week in Rock. Mainly I just miss Tabitha Soren but the Week in Rock was still pretty cool.)

Proof that Western Civilization is declining faster than previously calculated: Your number one film at the box office this week was Meet the Spartans. Yes, a movie that couldn’t provide a single laugh throughout the entire trailer, one that featured both a Donald Trump and a Deal or No Deal joke, was the most watched film. Look, I’m not expecting everyone to go out and see There is a Strong Possibility that Blood will be Spilt or Juno: Because Teen Pregnancy is Hilarious but Meet the Spartans? Can’t we all show slightly better taste than that?

Personally, I blame the fact that Cloverfield was filmed in Blair Witch-o-vision for all of this. If they actually kept the camera still for long enough so that people aren’t physically ill from watching the movie maybe you’ll get some repeat viewers.

Not much else to write about tonight. Actually I have one hugely important thing to write about but I’m still trying to figure out how and when to discuss it. If you know my current situation you know exactly what it is. Let’s just say that my future is unwritten for the time being.

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