I’m telling you for the last time; no, this isn’t my car. First off, I don’t live, nor do I have any desire to live, in Johnson County. Second, if I buy a Beemer to show off just how important I am I will not then denigrate myself further via a personalized license plate. Well, maybe if DR COOL was available I’d change my mind but I would settle for nothing less.
(This is what I love about this world. There’s humor all around you if you just take the time to open your eyes and look for it.)
I finally got over my cold this weekend. It only knocked me out for three weeks and I was still too tired/lazy to go out on Saturday night but I’ve recovered to the point that I even worked out this afternoon. This means I will be able to reduce the amount of cold medicine that I’m downing, which means that the absolutely bizarre dreams that I have been having this week might lessen in their resemblance of a Fellini film. Let me explain…
(Yes, talking about dreams is typically the most boring, self-indulgent thing that one can do in polite company. Just go with it for now.)
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was walking around the Notre Dame campus. It wasn’t exactly the campus but there were trees and buildings so my brain just decided that it was ND. I assume if there was a cornfield I would have considered it to be Illinois. Anyway, while walking around a cute girl fires what can only be described as a makeshift arrow that strikes me dead center in the chest. Yes, I was shot in the heart with an arrow. Freud would have a field day with me.
Given that the rest of my dream consisted of talking to her, finding out that she was 20, and then discussing whether she owed me a date or not given that she technically shot me while addressing the fact that she is much too young for me even I’m a bit lost as to just what the heck was going on. Obviously there is some symbolism here that my subconscious is trying to smack me in the head with. At some point my dreams are going to consist solely of people walking around carrying flashing billboards reading “Your life would be much better with a girlfriend you idiot.”
Amazingly I don’t even think that was my weirdest dream of the week. The weirdest one would have been where I was reading a magazine listing the 200 greatest songs of all time where the best song of all time was determined to be Steve Perry’s “Oh Sherrie”. I am not making this up. It’s the type of dream where when you wake up, look around the room and ask yourself just what did you do last night. Quickly followed by wondering if Oh Sherrie was the greatest song of all time what in the world could have come in second?
Best of 120 Minutes: I figured that I really can’t talk about 120 Minutes without going into a Smiths/Joy Division/New Order discussion. Except that I’m in a pretty good mood tonight so I’ll just play Frente covering Bizarre Love Triangle. Close enough for a Sunday.
The five random CDs for the week:
1) Lyle Lovett “Pontiac”
2) Richard Buckner “Devotion and Doubt”
3) Ryan Adams “Easy Tiger”
4) Carbon Leaf “5 Alive”
5) Caroline Herring “Wellspring”
(This is what I love about this world. There’s humor all around you if you just take the time to open your eyes and look for it.)
I finally got over my cold this weekend. It only knocked me out for three weeks and I was still too tired/lazy to go out on Saturday night but I’ve recovered to the point that I even worked out this afternoon. This means I will be able to reduce the amount of cold medicine that I’m downing, which means that the absolutely bizarre dreams that I have been having this week might lessen in their resemblance of a Fellini film. Let me explain…
(Yes, talking about dreams is typically the most boring, self-indulgent thing that one can do in polite company. Just go with it for now.)
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was walking around the Notre Dame campus. It wasn’t exactly the campus but there were trees and buildings so my brain just decided that it was ND. I assume if there was a cornfield I would have considered it to be Illinois. Anyway, while walking around a cute girl fires what can only be described as a makeshift arrow that strikes me dead center in the chest. Yes, I was shot in the heart with an arrow. Freud would have a field day with me.
Given that the rest of my dream consisted of talking to her, finding out that she was 20, and then discussing whether she owed me a date or not given that she technically shot me while addressing the fact that she is much too young for me even I’m a bit lost as to just what the heck was going on. Obviously there is some symbolism here that my subconscious is trying to smack me in the head with. At some point my dreams are going to consist solely of people walking around carrying flashing billboards reading “Your life would be much better with a girlfriend you idiot.”
Amazingly I don’t even think that was my weirdest dream of the week. The weirdest one would have been where I was reading a magazine listing the 200 greatest songs of all time where the best song of all time was determined to be Steve Perry’s “Oh Sherrie”. I am not making this up. It’s the type of dream where when you wake up, look around the room and ask yourself just what did you do last night. Quickly followed by wondering if Oh Sherrie was the greatest song of all time what in the world could have come in second?
Best of 120 Minutes: I figured that I really can’t talk about 120 Minutes without going into a Smiths/Joy Division/New Order discussion. Except that I’m in a pretty good mood tonight so I’ll just play Frente covering Bizarre Love Triangle. Close enough for a Sunday.
The five random CDs for the week:
1) Lyle Lovett “Pontiac”
2) Richard Buckner “Devotion and Doubt”
3) Ryan Adams “Easy Tiger”
4) Carbon Leaf “5 Alive”
5) Caroline Herring “Wellspring”
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