Thursday, July 12, 2007

Reality is best viewed through a camera

Let’s see, I’ve had high speed internet for 27 hours and I’ve slept…ok, I haven’t slept yet. I told you I had a reason why I hadn’t done this by now. You can’t let me watch the video for Belly’s “Feed the Tree” whenever the hell I feel like it. I’ll just put it on an infinite loop and sit there until my eyes bleed. Of course it is cool that as I write this I have an Arcade Fire concert playing in one window. I never get to do that when I listen to it at work.

Good news, we actually won at trivia tonight for the first time that I can remember in a while. Even better was that it was just a three person team and we had to earn a victory by knowing where Scottie Pippen went to college and that they executed Oliver Cromwell after he had already died and been buried. Oh, and knowing that yak’s milk is pink. That’s the type of knowledge that is just stored in the back corners of my brain.

Oh, I’ve only watched a bit of the World Series of Pop Culture, mainly getting pissed at people who miss easy questions. For crying out loud, one team couldn’t identify “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” or “Rock the Casbah” from the song lyrics. If you can’t do that you really shouldn’t be on a trivia game show. I do vaguely know one of the teams (it’s the guys who run the Trivia Smackdown game at the Bottleneck) and a few of my friends tried out but mainly I’m sitting this reality show out. Have to prepare for the “Scott Baio is 45 and Single” masterpiece.

I’m not kidding about that last one. It is the new show on VH-1 and I am really looking forward to it. For those who don’t know the story, Scott Baio grew to fame as Chachi and continued his career with such classics as Charles in Charge and Zapped, the latter being possibly the greatest movie a twelve year old boy could sneak past an unsuspecting video store clerk in the mid 80’s. In the process Scott Baio dated/had affairs with/loved them and left them with practically every single hot starlet in the world. This guy hooked up with everyone. I mean, you think Wilmer Valderamma has serious game, he is a geeky kid compared to Scott Baio. He’s a hero to many as epitomized by The Man Show making him the second inductee into the Man Show Hall of fame, second only to Andre the Giant.

But today Scott is a little fatter, a little grayer and the wrinkles are starting to show. He is in a relationship but isn’t committing and he brings in a life coach (and the VH-1 camera crew) to help him address his fear of commitment. Which includes him visiting all of his ex-girlfriends. This might just be the best premise ever. Former teen idol meeting former hot starlets and discussing relationships with cameras rolling. This has the potential for brilliance.

One last reality tv note before I call it a night. I’d like to celebrate Lea’s victory in the elimination challenge on Top Chef last night. Not that I think that she is the best chef on the show (Tre, Hung and CJ seem to be the best) but I just find her to be really cute and I want her to stay on the show for a while. That’s one of those secrets of successful reality shows, there has to be one cute, nice person to cheer for just because you like her and wouldn’t mind dating her. Hell, it ended up giving Elisabeth Hasselbeck a career for the past 6 years. Plus, Top Chef is a rather cool show, even if it is difficult to judge who is the best chef when you are not actually tasting the food.

Ok, one more Liz Phair video and I’ll go to bed…

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