Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I suddenly yearn for the calming influence of Courtney Love

Well, after a couple of very late nights I did finish the Harry Potter book last night. I’ll wait a couple of more days to discuss it to ensure that everyone will have a chance to finish it. Then this blog will essentially turn into spoiler theater as I dissect the book, the ending and which characters I would have killed off if I was the writer. There were some interesting choices to be made there. And I’ll give my usual rant that as a Ravenclaw my house always get short thrift in these books. Freaking Griffendors think the world revolves around them.

Give Rowling credit, there aren’t that many books that will make me try to race through 800 pages as quickly as I possibly can. Of course, it is written at the level of a 12 year old so it’s not like when I plowed through Ulysses but it is still a lot of words to digest. It might not be great literature but it does turn out to be a great story.

Anyway, I saw this question posed online today and I think it makes a very valid point. Can Lindsay ask for a refund from the rehab clinic? I mean, she didn’t even last two weeks after finishing treatment. Isn’t there like a thirty day money back guarantee on those things? Hopefully she at least charged it on her American Express and they’ll refund her the money. Clearly it is the rehab center’s fault and not my beloved Lindsay’s. We all know that she can do nothing wrong.

Ok, since I’m low on topics I guess I’ll write about the Britney Spears Ok! Magazine shoot disaster. If you haven’t heard about this one, trust me it puts Lindsay to shame. So, Brit agrees to do this magazine cover story and interview to help jump start her career. Given that it is with a magazine that uses an exclamation point in its title we are not talking about hard hitting journalism here. It’s basically show up, take a few nice pictures and leave. Except that none of that happened.

So here is the reports that I have read about what happened. Brit doesn’t want to use their hair and make-up people so she brings her own whom the magazine editors, and this is basically an exact quote, described as “pretty skanky looking”. She had chicken for lunch and as opposed to using a napkin wiped her hands on her several thousand dollar dress. For some reason she brought her dog with her (I don’t know, maybe it was bring your pet to work day) and being a dog surrounded by bright lights, loud noises and strange people it had an accident. Which Brit and her people would not clean up until ordered to at which point they used a Chanel dress to clean it up. Ok, that’s pretty bad. Then Brit was freaking out thinking that the ceiling was going to fall on her. To cap everything, Brit would make numerous trips to the bathroom, sometimes closing the stall door and othertimes not, and was often walking around the set, how can I put this mildly, acting as if she was a really, really big fan of The Divinyls? As if the song spoke to her in a certain way? Yeah, that’s what I read.

(Thanks to Defamer for all of this info by the way. Definitely not your standard report.)

Basically the only response to this is “Wow, what the hell was she on?” This isn’t rational behavior or even delusional behavior. This is I’m on everything but skates behavior. You know it is bad when the magazine decides to not run the pictures because they “aren’t up to their standards”. They still go with the meltdown story as that actually is the biggest news of all. It’s even words when you remember that Brit is the mother of two very small children. That’s even sadder than Lindsay. So far, Lindsay has only hurt herself. Brit is taking a couple of innocent people out with her. Who would have thought that K-Fed would be the sensible one in that relationship?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

happy to contradict you -- Gryffindors DO rule the world.