Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Returning to the world of the celebutante

(Last note on the Benoit situation and the comment on the last post. It dawned on me last night that in the past three months I’ve watched news reports on Virginia Tech, the Ward Parkway shooting and now Chris Benoit. All completely senseless tragedies and some hitting much closer to home than others. So much, so quickly can really leave you feeling numb inside. Maybe all I can take from this is that life is precious and that you should do all that you can do to embrace it, relish it and rejoice in it.)

Now, back to our usually scheduled broadcast of pop culture events, analysis and dreams.

Have a great bar story from this weekend that may mark a new high point in my drinking career. I believe that I have set a new personal best in terms of “Famous people ordering drinks over my shoulder while I’m just sitting at my usual seat at the bar.” The new clubhouse leader is Josh Blue, the winner of Last Comic Standing, who ended up at Harry’s on Saturday night after doing a comedy show in town. It’s really strange to just be sitting at the end of the bar, turning and going “Hey, that’s the dude that won the reality show.” It’s not an extremely famous person but please remember that a) I tend not to hang out in fancy nightspots where the elite hang out and b) it’s not like famous people hang out in Kansas City to begin with.

In other celebrity news, they finally let Paris Hilton out of jail. I know, I know, our long national nightmare is finally over (or just begun, depending on your point of view). I’m expecting for her to hit the talk show rounds and then keep a low profile for a few months. Then she’ll come out with a tell-all book detailing her time in prison and discussing how it changed her life. Not a tell-all book that she actually wrote, mind you, though that might set the record for the most uses of the word “like” in a manuscript. Hell, I could probably write the book for her this weekend without even talking to her. I’ll just watch a few women in prison movies and then I’ll be set. It would just be interesting to see if any book reviewers would recognize the relationship between Paris’ time in prison with that served by the character played by Wendy O. Williams in “Reform School Girls.”

(Yes, I got in a Wendy O. Williams reference! That’s how old school I am.)

Finally, I did receive the news that my beloved Lindsay is going to remain in rehab. This means that she will be spending her birthday next week in rehab and as an adoring fan I will be making my way out to California to ensure that she will be able to celebrate her 21st birthday in the proper manner. Hell, I’m even bringing my famous butter rum cake. Well, except without the butter. Or the cake for that matter. But there will be plenty of rum. Look, we have to celebrate the fact that she can now legally drink. Think of all the exclusive nightclubs she’ll now finally be able to enter.

As promised last week, the top 10 albums of the Oughts will be posted tomorrow. I like that name for this decade. It’s been a time where there have been a lot of things we ought to have been doing and lots of things that ought to have gone differently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the World Series of Pop Culture on VH-1? I watched a few episodes over the weekend and was astounded at the questions they missed. Who are these people, how did they get that far, and why aren't we competing next year???