Monday, October 30, 2006

Penguin dreams and stranger things...

So I turn on How I Met Your Mother and what do I see? Another very large penguin staring back at me. I swear, it’s like everywhere I turn all I see are penguins. This is going to be a really tough one to explain to the therapist. “So EC, how was your week?” “Pretty good except for the fact that I am being stalked by abnormally large flightless waterfowl.” “So how does that make you feel?” Sigh.

Have a couple more thoughts and ideas that came to me over the weekend to share. I would like to say that there is a coherent theme to all of this but if you can find one please let me know.

Topic #1: For a while now I have been looking for what would be considered the ultimate in a bad cheap date. You know, something that goes beyond taking the girl to the Sizzler in terms of tackiness. I finally found it: taking a girl out to eat at the food court of a Target. I swear I saw two people eating there (which is amazing in its own right) and it honestly looked like it was a date. But to be honest, it is slightly higher quality than going to Wal-Mart. But still, wow.

Topic #2: I love the day after the time change because you have to deal with the fact that the entire country (with the exception of Arizona) is simultaneously dealing with jet lag. I do want to congratulate the state of Indiana for joining the 20th century and deciding to change their clocks this year. It was fun that at work today the clock on my desk phone was wrong for most of the day. Sadly, they fixed it before it said 5 and I could take off early and say “But the official company time said it was ok for me to go.” That said, how tough is it to make the clocks read the right time? It’s not like the time change snuck up on everybody.

Topic #3: There’s been an interesting twist to the senate race in Virginia. Apparently they are attacking the democratic candidate for statements that can be considered anti-women. These are statements that are contained in novels that he has written regarding Vietnam. So, we are now holding words that someone has written in a piece of fiction for dramatic effect against them. I don’t know if everyone know this, but fiction means that it isn’t true. See, J.K. Rowling really doesn’t know people who fly on broomsticks and speak in long expository speeches that would greatly benefit from an editor. Just that entire line of reasoning astounds me, that the only candidate you should vote for is one whose only creative endeavor can be depictions of rainbows and unicorns. It’s like people believe that the country should be one giant Thomas Kinkade painting. Personally, I’d much prefer a Jackson Pollack.

Topic #4: Best thing on television over the weekend was Alejandro Escovedo on Austin City Limits. If you caught it, you saw some of the best music imaginable. Take a standard rock band, add in two cellists and a violinist, and give them some of the most heartfelt lyrics that you can find. Really, really good performance and I can see this one being on the shortlist to be released as a DVD. This weekend will be cool as well with a set by Sufjan Stevens. He’s in a class by himself, mainly because I know of no one else who would even attempt to write an entire album based on the state of Illinois.

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