Sunday, August 07, 2005

I still feel alright

Just some quick hits tonight. My brain is fried after spending the day doing laundry, cleaning my apartment and organizing my files. It’s fun when you realize that you still have credit card statements from 1993 (and then place those credit card statements back in the folder where they are being stored.) Honestly, my future biographers better thank me for all of this information that I’ve so nicely catalogues for them. I’ve saved them a lot of leg work. Anyway…

1) Saw (or rather heard) the saddest commercial today. It was a Chevy truck commercial using Steve Earle’s song “The Revolution Starts Now” in the background. This really hurts my image of one of the few people I look up to in the music industry. The song is about being fed up with the current government and realizing that we must all stand up and fight and regain our rights. And now they’re selling trucks to it. We all need to make a living, we all need cash but come on Steve, don’t sell out like that. That’s a song that I’ve listened to constantly this year when I needed to inspire myself to fight on for just one more day. Don’t make me now think of some idiot in a pick up truck whenever I hear the song.

2) Sadly, I can’t provide a review of the Dukes of Hazzard movie. Hollywood is wondering right now why their ticket sales are so much lower than in past years. How about a vaguely original idea every once in a while? They are constantly searching for big Lord of the Rings type epics so now we have The Chronicles of Narnia being pushed into production. I’m not complaining about that film but can an original screenplay get made anymore? My bigger thing is that they are taking old shows and turning them into movies but they aren’t shows that anyone would want to see. The Brady Bunch worked as a film because they played up how odd it was and there are enough people who would like to look back at that with a sense of irony. You’re not going to admit liking the Dukes of Hazzard. I really don’t need to see the Bad News Bears again. Who thought that a Honeymooners remake would draw a crowd? If you wonder why I watch indie films that no one has ever heard of, just look at that list.

3) Here’s a problem with having several hundred cable channels: there is always an episode of Law and Order on. It’s a good show, that’s the problem. Saturday night I’m just flipping through the channels and come across an episode. And then another episode. And suddenly it’s dark out and I realize that I’ve spent like four hours watching episodes that I’ve already seen before. It’s a show with frightening power.

4) My apologies to those people who received phone calls from me late last night. Technically, I wasn’t drunk dialing. I was “In the process of getting drunk” dialing. I still give props to Virgin Mobile Australia who have come up with a command on their cel phones in which you can block numbers so that you can’t call them that night. Meaning, you can program your phone to make it impossible to call your ex-girlfriend at three in the morning. I think that I can speak for all of us in that this option is a very good thing.

The five random CDs for the week.
1) Neko Case and Her Boyfriends “The Virginian”
2) Bruce Robison “Bruce Robison”
3) Peabody “Heroine”
4) Moby “Play”
5) Various Artists “Por Vida: A Tribute to Alejandro Escovedo”

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