Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Back to the 80's again....

Yes, I know that I constantly rag on society for needless nostalgia for times that didn't technically exist but this website is too damn cool not to post. If you need to burn a few hours at work (and especially if you have some disposable income) check out A couple of comments on it

1) Yes, I am placing some orders from the site. The Cobra Kai shirt is a definite purchase. How can you go wrong with a shirt that has on the back "Strike First, Strike Hard, Show No Mercy". If they had one with "There is no mercy in this dojo" they'd make more money than God or Microsoft.
2) Staying on the snake theme, can't go wrong with the flaming Cobra logo from G.I. Joe. That's probably also on my list, vague enough that people might not get it, super cool for the people that do.
3) I'm not sure what type of person wears a Say Anything t-shirt. John Cusack rocks, no question about that. It's a killer movie, of course. But a t-shirt?
4) Also, super cool Speed Racer t-shirts. Including the legendary Racer X. True story, I remember watching Speed Racer when I was six or seven and liking the show since it had car races and crashes and a monkey. Come on, I was six, I didn't start reading Shakespeare until I was a teenager. Anyway, when I was at school MTV started to show Speed Racer late at night. That's when I noticed that about a dozen people die in horrible car crashes during the opening credits. The show was still awesome, I just didn't realize that literally everyone who wasn't a named character died in every episode.
5) MTV has come closer to my dream idea of MTV classic. They show Beavis and Butthead episodes but won't touch my dream of doing a best of 88 to 94 channel. 120 Minutes, Remote Control, Aeon Flux, The Maxx, Alternative Nation, Yo MTV Raps, the Grind, the early seasons of Real World and Road Rules. How can this idea not make money?
6) There is a VH1 Classic. 90% of the time they'll play awful songs from the 70's and 80's for people who apparently still want to listen to Rod Stewart. But every once in a while I flip the channel and see a video like R.E.M.'s "Driver 8" or Joy Division's "Love will tear us apart again" and I'll end up staring at the tv for ten minutes until I remind myself that I have to breathe every once in a while.

"Take me to Memphis, Mercury or Mars" Keb' Mo'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

re: comment #1: A friend of mine in law school already did the Halloween costume of a skeleton and a grey hooded sweatshirt. If you remember our first year Halloween party @ Senior Bar, Mike Kuharich dressed up as Daniel LaRusso dressed up as a shower stall.

While we are on the Karate Kid theme... I text messaged Stordahl tonight that the jukebox at the bar in which I had afterwork drinks had the KK soundtrack. He responded "play joe esposito." I'm thinking: who the F is joe esposito?... and played the best song on that soundtrack... the music from the tournament montage... "You're The Best Around" by none other than... Joe Esposito. Fan-tastic.

re: comment #3: I have no respect for those Say Anything shirts. they suck ass. if they were really cool they would just have the Fishbone logo on them. you know what I'm talking about. as an alternative they could have "Lakewood High Class of '88"