Monday, April 19, 2010

Not much on my mind

Monday Weigh In: Clocked in at 210.5 pounds this week, up a pound and a half from last week and two pounds heavier than when I started this. Sigh. On the plus side I did start up a regular exercise program this week and was sweating and actually working out. Admittedly that just makes me hungry so I eat more but I have gotten myself moving again. I’m confident that things will turn around soon. They better given that I have twenty pounds to lose.

Just one political note this evening. If you are planning a pro gun rally it is probably not the best choice to hold it on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing and one day before the anniversary of Columbine. It just lends itself to a few too many comparisons that you really don’t want to see made. And for the record I am pro gun ownership or more accurately pro sensible gun ownership. Meaning you can own a gun but go through a background check, take a class and treat the firearm with respect. I would like to think that most people could agree on that stance but I know that I’m wrong in that regard.

Still not that much to write about tonight. My big news of the day is that I went to the dentist, which is one of those events that makes you wince just writing about it. I don’t think that there is anyone in the world who enjoys going to the dentist. In fact, if you were to list the most frightening professions in the world from a “going to meet them” sort of way dentist is probably up there with undertaker as the scariest. I’ve always wondered who decides to become a dentist given that they know that people will always be scared of them. You admire a heart surgeon while a dentist just gives you the willies. Very strange.

So with that I’m just going to call it an early night. My teeth hurt and I’m tired so I’m just going to go to bed. I promise to try to be a little more creative tomorrow. Don’t think that I could be any less creative.

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