Thursday, April 15, 2010

I got your Schedule Z right here....

Well it’s Tax Day and….aw crap, I knew I forgot something. Luckily, Delaware is not an actual state so I doubt that they can legally enforce anything here. I mean, they have Larry the Police Officer but he’s cool and besides the state would have to stop leasing out its sole jail cell as a hotel room in order to put anyone in it. Just kidding of course. I’ve filed in all of the various states and the federal taxes in one of those events that becomes even more annoying as I grow older.

I can still guarantee that you will see news coverage of people rushing to the post office before midnight. Or at least you always got that in the good old, pre-electronic filing days. I never quite understood why someone waited until 11 PM to get to the post office, I mean couldn’t you have just dropped it in the mail that morning? Pretty soon there will be no paper filing. I haven’t received a tax form in years. Just another things that kids today will never understand.

(Also on that list: black and white television. Did anyone else here have an old black and white TV in their bedroom growing up? That was like the most awesome thing ever. Just the sheer fact that you had a TV in your room was almost unimaginable. Nowadays that seems beyond quaint. More like something that you would see on Little House on the Prairie.)

Also, I am happy that Kim and I traveled to Iceland a) while Iceland still exists and b) before Iceland makes it impossible to travel to Europe. I said it before but Kim and I drove right past that volcano. I have to check my notes but we might actually have pictures of it. It’s tough to recall exactly which glacier you saw in Iceland because the names themselves are so long and lacking in vowels that you can never quite remember where you were. You just saw a lot of really cool looking ice and steam. I still say that it is a very neat place to visit and if you were to get stuck someplace due to a volcanic eruption the Blue Lagoon spa may be my top choice. Especially if you could get them to lighten up on their two drink maximum rule.

That is about it for tonight as I am pretty spent. I am back into workout mode, which is a great thing. It means that everything hurts but at some point that will provide benefits. Get well wishes go out to Bret Michaels who just had an emergency appendectomy. Hope that will not prevent him from getting back on the Rock of Love bus because I don’t know what I would do without his presence on VH-1. Now that Celebrity Fit Club is over we need some new celebreality.

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