Thursday, December 24, 2009

Season's Greetings

Well, tis the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for a couple of mice, which indicate a much larger rodent infestation problem that should be addressed prior to inviting people over to celebrate the holidays. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care (except if you live in a residency that does not have a fireplace in which case you might as well just wallow in the sad state of your existence or rent a chimney for the night)with the hope that St. Nicholas would soon be there. (I wonder if Santa ever gets pissed off at always having to work on Christmas Eve.)

Yes, it is the night before the big day and I hope everyone is gathering with their loved ones or the nearest approximation of loved ones. Look, no matter how cynical I actually am, and trust me you haven't even seen the level of cynicism I am capable of, this really is a special time of year. What else can make people travel in horrible weather, risk getting stranded at airports, brave crowds at shopping malls just to spend a day celebrating with the ones they love. It is really a sign of all that is right in the world.

Typically I use this night before Christmas post as my place to ask that Santa bring me a fire truck. Every year I ask for a fire truck and I never get one because apparently the obese guy who really needs to start using Wii Fit has decided that my behavior has not been appropriately "good" for one even though I have never been provided with any metrics regarding good or bad behavior. Where is more scorecard and waterfall charts I ask you? Where is the evidence? No, some random guy who lives at the North Pole and runs an illegal sweatshop using forced labor has decided that I do not deserve a fire truck with extendable ladder and working lights and sirens. That is what I have asked for every year.

But this year I'm not. Last week I got my Christmas present. Kim and I are engaged. It still feels weird to write that but I am smiling while doing it. This blog has really been a document of my life to reach this moment and I don't know if I ever truly believed that it would happen. But it has and I am happier than ever. I hope everyone out there has the same feeling that I have tonight. It would make the world a much happier place.

Merry Christmas everyone. Even you, Tiny Tim.

1 comment:

marina said...

A fresh way to express your love ones a Merry Christmas and a happy new year..
CHeck out