Sunday, December 06, 2009

Delaware: Boredom Personified

Best Videos of the Decade: This is going to be a quick post tonight as I just got back from the airport. Much of my life is now spent in airports, which is not too surprising after you realize that I live in Delaware. I recently read a list of twenty famous people from Delaware and Judge Reinhold was on the list. That is how sad this state is. Judge Reinhold shouldn’t be able to make a list of the top twenty people named Judge Reinhold.

Anyway, on the music video front let’s turn to another band that was able to use music videos to make people notice that they are a kick ass groups. This is the video that turned me on to the White Stripes mainly because I had no idea exactly how they did this. Seriously, they may actually have done it all with Legos or they could have used computer graphics but I don’t really care because it just looks so awesome. And it plays into the song as well.

More stuff tomorrow. Right now I just feel like taking a nap.

The five random CDs for the week:
1) Pearl Jam “Vitalogy”
2) Tiny Town “Tiny Town”
3) Lucinda Williams “World Without Tears”
4) Waco Brothers “WacoWorld”
5) Son Volt “Straightaways”

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