Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Random acts of randomness

Time for another in my series of “posts that are made up of a bunch of random topics as I am too tired for cohesive thoughts and I should be in bed by now anyway.” Everyone’s favorite, I know.

Point #1: I think we can all say that we mark the passing of Brittany Murphy with sadness as no one should die at 32. It is also sad that we are all pretty much correct in our assumptions that drugs were somehow involved given the small pharmacy that was found in her bathroom as well as her recent history in addition to the fact that 32 year olds tend not to die of natural causes. What struck me most of all about the coverage was the fact that she was always referred to as “the star of Clueless.” Two points on that. 1) She wasn’t the star, that was Alicia Silverstone. 2) That movie came out in 1995. It is rather telling when the first mention on your resume is the film you costarred in nearly fifteen years ago. The second mention was typically 8 Mile and that came out around six years ago. All of this means is that this is the tragic death of someone young who used to be famous, which might make the whole thing even sadder.

Point #2: The top name for baby boys for both the year and the decade was Aiden with Jacob and Jayden also making the top five. For the record I can recall no Aidens or Jaydens at any point in my entire life though there were a handful of Jacobs. Jackson was also a popular name this year most certainly due to Michael Jackson dying. Hey, I just point out the connections I can’t say that they make any sense.

Point #3: Emma is the top girls name for the decade (though Isabella was top for the year.) Madison also made the top five for the decade continuing the recent tradition of naming girls in such a manner that they will not have to change their name when they become a stripper. Parents I am telling you that before you name your daughter ask yourself could you hear the next sentence “Gentlemen, put your hands together for our next performer on the main stage…!” I assure you that you will then name your daughter Gladys.

Point #4: For the record, Christopher came in 30th for the decade just ahead of Gavin. I feel sorry for all the kids named Gavin. It’s tough to go through life knowing that no one in the history of the planet has been successful with your name.

Point #5: I think it is time to have some egg nog and call it a night. Question though, why don’t we drink egg nog all year round? Or settle for a nice fruitcake in July?


Anonymous said...

Why do we need fruitcake at all?

Your Gavin comment was one of the best. Need to use that sometime.

Anonymous said...

The only notable Gavins I can think of are Gavin DeGraw, Gavin Rossdale, and Gavin McLeod.