Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Note to Jane Fonda: Back Off on my Beloved

Random comment time…

1) Thanks for the anti-iPod advice. That was one of my biggest concerns: that I would pick something and be locked into a file format and one site to purchase music from here on out. I’d rather stay with mp3s, which is at least a little more open source in terms of format. It’s not like I’m going to be downloading a great deal of music online. I’ll always be a CD person just for the fact that I enjoy the physical nature of having something to collect. My main purpose is to a) finally give my discman a rest and have a whole lot of music in portable form and b) make it a lot easier for me to download and listen to concert recordings. Hopefully I can get this done in the next week or so.

2) Oh, and here is my other thought on the stormtrooper costume. The other idea I have had had deals with my dislike of people who wear their cel phones on their belts. This is called the Batman effect as people tend to look like they are wearing a utility belt given all of the gadgets they have. My response to that is to wear my replica lightsaber on my belt. Some people are proud to be able to answer an email on a moments notice but only I can slice open a taunton and use it to provide warmth in times of crisis.

3) I have one comment on the Anna Nicole Smith story and it has nothing to do with what may or may not have happened. I just want to reiterate what I read this week in that her lawyer’s name is Howard K. Stern. I swear I am not making this up. Anna Nicole Smith’s lawyer is Howard Stern. It is enough to make you think that the entire story is a hoax. Plus, wouldn’t it just suck to be that guy? Here you are, worked your way through law school, built up a practice to the point where you work for celebrities (at least on one level) and all people can think of when you hand them your business card is “Hey, that’s the same name as the shock jock!”

4) Fantasy football update: lost my first game by less than a point. Should have won it in about a dozen ways including if either a) Joey Galloway could catch a pass or b) Shaun Alexander decided to you know, try to gain a yard or two. But it is nice to know that Trent Green, my backup quarterback, was released from the hospital and can remember a significant portion of his own name. Man, that was one of the most vicious hits I’ve ever seen. I’ll be stunned if he plays again this year, that was a Chuck Bedarnik on Frank Gifford type hit. This forced me to bring on Chad Pennington as a backup or in other words, I’m pretty much screwed.

5) Battling the Current would like to wish a warm welcome to Brittney Spears’ new baby boy. Our advice kid, stay away from high chairs, your mother’s car and let’s be honest, as soon as you learn how to walk we suggest running away from home. It’s probably your best bet.

6) I also want to give a shout out to Mike Boogie for winning Big Brother. In reality show terms, this was one of the most amazing victories ever. Everyone was gunning for him and his buddy, the evil Dr. Will, from the moment the show started yet they controlled the entire thing and ended up winning. It’s rather incredible and stunning. Now we have a new season of Survivor and The Amazing Race so I’ll get my reality television fix. Plus, How I Met Your Mother returns on Monday! Yes, the story of my life starts up again. Should be good, the camera crew had a fun time tailing me this summer so get ready for the roller coaster that is my life to be shown in high definition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If not already planned, could Battling The Current please comment on the Reggie Bush situation? Should the NCAA take his trophy? Should they take the National title? Here is a celeb story with some debateable moral substance. Paris and Lindsay (I know you love her but she's a bit of a shank) are just social curiosities.