I had hoped that once I left the wilds of Kansas behind that I would have escaped the clutches of stupidity. That by moving to the East coast that I would have placed myself in a land of enlightenment where we would pass each other on the street and tip our hats and say “Good Morrow to you fine sir. Are you bychance going to the Wittgenstein symposium this afternoon?” True, I was moving to Delaware, a state that only exists because they decided to sign the Constitution before anyone could declare that you needed more than three people to be classified a state, but that was the overall hope. As the above picture shows boy was I wrong.
This isn’t something I pulled from the internet or from a bad Jay Leno sketch. I took this with my own cell phone camera (hence the absolutely horrible color balance) on Saturday morning in the strip mall where I get my hair cut and / or order Chinese food. (I don’t do both at the same place though to be honest it probably wouldn’t be that bad of a business model.) I have never been stopped in my tracks by a sign at an Oriental Massage parlor before. Especially one that made me wonder if I should go in and ask if I could get a “Hapy” Ending.
Seriously, a “Gand” opening? How in the world does that end up not only on an advertising poster but prominently displayed in the window of a place of business. Let’s walk through the steps required for this to occur. 1) Someone must design the poster, 2) The designers and the people paying for the printing must approve the design, 3) A graphic artist must place the design in the final format and send it off to the printer, 4) The printer must then create the final image and 5) The store must receive it and place it in the window. Are you telling me that not one single person in this entire chain took a step back and went “Hmmm…I think the word in the biggest font in the entire poster might be misspelled. Could be grand, could possibly be gland, but oh well, let’s go with Gand”. If you received this wouldn’t you raise holy hell and get another reprinted for free?
Unless of course this is part of some incredible viral marketing campaign in which case I would like to applaud them for their absolute genius. How often are you going to take a second look at a place that offers a therapeutic massage in a strip mall? Those are the stores that you walk past for six months and then wonder why they are now empty. But now every single time I walk by I will look for the sign and mention it to anyone passing by. So it is quite possible that this is all just an avant garde ad campaign that makes me proud to have worked in the marketing profession. Or people in Delaware are just really, really stupid. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Best of 120 Minutes: Ok, I’ll probably take some hits for this one but I don’t really care. See, I was into Sarah McLachlan well before the whole Lilith Fair thing. After hearing this song in college I went “She is really good” and bought all of her discs before everyone decided to play “I Will Remember You” at their high school graduation and ruined Sarah for the rest of us. But even so, she does have a great deal of talent. Plus she wrote this song about a guy that was stalking her and I have to say that is a pretty unique source for a song.
This isn’t something I pulled from the internet or from a bad Jay Leno sketch. I took this with my own cell phone camera (hence the absolutely horrible color balance) on Saturday morning in the strip mall where I get my hair cut and / or order Chinese food. (I don’t do both at the same place though to be honest it probably wouldn’t be that bad of a business model.) I have never been stopped in my tracks by a sign at an Oriental Massage parlor before. Especially one that made me wonder if I should go in and ask if I could get a “Hapy” Ending.
Seriously, a “Gand” opening? How in the world does that end up not only on an advertising poster but prominently displayed in the window of a place of business. Let’s walk through the steps required for this to occur. 1) Someone must design the poster, 2) The designers and the people paying for the printing must approve the design, 3) A graphic artist must place the design in the final format and send it off to the printer, 4) The printer must then create the final image and 5) The store must receive it and place it in the window. Are you telling me that not one single person in this entire chain took a step back and went “Hmmm…I think the word in the biggest font in the entire poster might be misspelled. Could be grand, could possibly be gland, but oh well, let’s go with Gand”. If you received this wouldn’t you raise holy hell and get another reprinted for free?
Unless of course this is part of some incredible viral marketing campaign in which case I would like to applaud them for their absolute genius. How often are you going to take a second look at a place that offers a therapeutic massage in a strip mall? Those are the stores that you walk past for six months and then wonder why they are now empty. But now every single time I walk by I will look for the sign and mention it to anyone passing by. So it is quite possible that this is all just an avant garde ad campaign that makes me proud to have worked in the marketing profession. Or people in Delaware are just really, really stupid. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Best of 120 Minutes: Ok, I’ll probably take some hits for this one but I don’t really care. See, I was into Sarah McLachlan well before the whole Lilith Fair thing. After hearing this song in college I went “She is really good” and bought all of her discs before everyone decided to play “I Will Remember You” at their high school graduation and ruined Sarah for the rest of us. But even so, she does have a great deal of talent. Plus she wrote this song about a guy that was stalking her and I have to say that is a pretty unique source for a song.
Maybe they printed the sign and spent 300 bucks on it and didn't want to waste paper. Talk about a first impression.
I am totally with you on the Sarah comment. I got into her when I first heard Possession as well and bought all of her CDs. For some reason she became somewhat synonmous with I will remember you and Angel which are great songs in their own right but do not even begin to tough on the genius of her songwriting. I think Fumbling Toward Ecstasty is one of the best albums of its generation. In some ways Sarah reminds me a lot of Jonie Mitchell. Her best songs have never been played on the radio.
It was a date, even though you had a girlfriend and I might have still been married.
Good times!
Nevermind the comments from the woman who really needs to get laid.
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