Thursday, November 24, 2005

But they were perfect together...

So the big news today is that Jessica Simpson and that guy she married (Nick something or other) are getting divorced. I don't know about you but this sure has put a damper on my holiday season. I had to hold a moment of silence at Thanksgiving dinner in response to this tragic occurrence. Or not.

What I really want out of this is MTV to go all out on the reality television bandwagon. I mean, the only, and I mean only, reason that anyone on the planet cares about this is that they had their own show Newlyweds on MTV. For some reason that hit the cultural zeitgeist, mainly because people liked seeing how stupid Jessica was, and became a hit. Well, let's continue with this theme. Let's have a show called "Divorce Hearing" and "Alimony Settlement." Let's show what happens as you argue over who gets to keep the blender. This is exactly the type of entertainment that I need in my life right now.

(Oh, sometime in the next week I will give my predictions for MTV's The Gauntlet 2. Or at least take some time to rip on the cast members who apparently can't find a real job. How long can you live off of getting thrown off the Winnebago in Road Rules? Is this now considered a legitimate career path?)

Oh well at least this will give me something to think about when I get up at five in the morning to do my Christmas shopping. I am kidding about that, as someone with a real dislike of crowds tomorrow is the one day I really avoid shopping. But I have to give props to someone who will get up at that hour just so they could take care of their shopping a few days earlier this year. That's a level of dedication you just can't find in other aspects of American life. And that is a really, really sad statement.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

too late for Halloween, but...

coolest. costumes. ever.

Anonymous said...

in other news...

MOSTAR, Bosnia (Reuters) - Bosnia's southern town of Mostar unveiled the world's first statue of kung fu legend Bruce Lee on Saturday, paying homage to a childhood hero of all its divided ethnic groups.


"This does not mean that Bruce Lee will unite us, because people are different and cannot be united and we will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats," Gatalo said. "But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."