Monday, November 28, 2005

That's me on the tv...

Those of you who read the blog regularly and take copious notes on the details of my life will remember that I am currently writing a novel called Until We Say Goodbye. Those of you with even better recall know that this wasn’t the original title, which was My Life as a Sitcom until I decided that it was a) too much of a rip-off of the movie My Life as a Dog and b) stupid. Well, tonight my life officially became a sitcom. The show How I Met Your Mother has apparently obtained the rights to my life.

You think I jest? Let’s just run through the opening of tonight’s show. Our hero is at a bar with friends as they try to convince him that he thinks way too much and that is why he fails with women. He needs to stop thinking and just do. Sound familiar yet? It gets better. Well, they end up with a plate of shots and our hero embarks on my fabled Level of Optimal Drunkeness experiment, as he does all of the shots to reach the point where he is loose and relaxed and the life of the party. The name of the shot? Red Dragon. Which just happens to be one of my nicknames.

At this point I was officially freaked out.

Somehow it seemed to grow even more similar from there. There was the playing of Cheap Trick on the bar jukebox (check), there was the rampant repeated drunk dialing (sigh, check) and there was the writing full sentences in pen on various body parts (which technically wasn’t me but I was at a bar where we did this one night). There was the talking to friends the next day to try to determine exactly what had occurred because no one could remember everything that occurred. Other than the fact that the guy ended up back at his apartment with a pineapple (something that I don’t recall ever happening to me but may have) and at no point did people start watching Beavis and Butthead episodes this was basically a retelling of my life. We even have Doogie Howser acting as the mentor to get our hero out of his shell and enjoying life. I don’t know if I am supposed to be ecstatic that there is finally a show that I can relate to or upset that my life is apparently a sitcom cliché.

(There were a few problems with this episode. First off, the hero was speaking much too coherently and moving much too quickly for someone who was apparently out of his gourd the night before. Technically, he should not have been able to leave the couch until three in the afternoon. And typically you do not have witty conversations when you wander into the wrong restroom. But the buddy sleeping in the bathtub and the waking up wondering “How in the world did I sprain an ankle?” were spot on.)

Now, I know that like most people I believe the universe revolves around myself (actually, I’m amazed that everyone doesn’t think that the universe revolves around me. Seems perfectly logical). So before I go off trying to find this camera crew that is apparently tailing me around Kansas City providing plots for a sitcom in which Allyson Hannigan can only get a minor role I need confirmation. Will someone please (especially Erik and Super) watch this show and let me know if I am completely out of my mind? Yes, I know it means watching CBS but sometimes you need to suffer for the sake of science. Plus, this is one of the funniest shows around. But that might not be an unbiased opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty funny. Finding the Optimal Level with red shots (red dragon, red headed sluts...its all the same) Was the marker that they used to write on the guy red too? Because that would complete the picture. Especially if some guy named Supe wrote "Deez" on the guy.

I'd watch the show but I still don't have cable or satellite. I'm working on it though.