Monday, January 04, 2010

You say you want a resolution

I am going to keep with tradition and post my New Year’s Resolutions. It worked out rather well last year. There is something about posting your goals for everyone to see that makes you feel required to do everything possible to accomplish them. Plus, it just makes me feel better to know that I am starting the year with a list of ten things that I must accomplish. Here we go.

Resolution # 1: Get my weight down to under 190 pounds: Ok, I had this resolution last year and I failed. But this year I really need to accomplish it. For one thing, I’m not getting any younger and carrying excess weight is just going to get worse and worse for me healthwise. But more importantly I have a wedding to prepare for and I have to do something to make all in attendance not wonder exactly how I ended up with someone as amazing as Kim. Well, they’ll all be thinking that anyway but at least my weight will not be a factor. In a perfect world I’ll be walking down the aisle lifting up my shirt to show off my six pack abs. (Ok, maybe I’m watching a few too many episodes of Jersey Shore.)

Resolution # 2: Be more attentive: I used to be the king of multi-tasking. I could watch TV, surf the web, run equations and hold a conversation all at the same time. Now I can barely do one thing at a time yet I haven’t done anything in my day to day operations to account for this. The perfect example is that I will be talking to Kim on the phone and surfing the web at the same time and it becomes readily apparent that I am not listening to anything she says. This is made all the more worse by the fact that I have the horrible habit of saying “Yes” and “Uh huh” during any lull in a conversation when I haven’t been paying attention or even understand a single world that has been said over the past minute. This is one of those habits that I just simply need to break. So I vow to be more attentive in conversations this year.

Resolution # 3: Complete a 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle by myself: I have one sitting in my living room at this moment and it has been taunting me for the past year. I just feel the urge to try something extremely complex, time consuming and utterly meaningless just to see if I can do it. Plus, it will help me relax in what I assume is going to be an extremely busy year.

Resolution # 4: Have breakfast every day: And I mean a real breakfast. A granola bar or a bagel will not count. Everything I have ever read about staying healthy and losing weight emphasizes how important it is to have breakfast. I pretty much never have breakfast and have been living this way for most of my life. Well, at some point we all have to grow up and become adults and start our day with a good healthy breakfast. And speaking of starting your day…

Resolution # 5: Get to work earlier: It is nice that I work in an office where I have some flexibility in my start time as I am simply not an early riser. Or at least I am not a morning person. It takes me a while to get going and I have set my schedule to take advantage of that so I don’t start my workday in a state where typing in my password is about all I can accomplish for the first half hour. But, I still think I can shift my schedule forward if just by getting out of bed when my alarm goes off instead of hitting snooze time after time. I really feel that this slight change in schedule will make my life so much better.

Resolution # 6: Learn to cook to the point that I can make dinner for Kim: Every year I say that I am going to learn to cook but I never quite get there. Mainly because I am cooking for me and, well, when you have spent so many years eating processed foods due to convenience it is tough to break the habit. Now I have someone in my life who makes me want to improve myself in every way and this is one of those ways. Kim does the cooking when we are together and while that is awesome I feel the need to help. My big goal is to be able to cook for her, single handedly, one of the meals in John Besh’s cookbook “My New Orleans” and have her enjoy it. Tall order but it should be fun trying.

Resolution # 7: Reader’s Choice: This worked out well last year so I am trying it again. What do you want me to accomplish in 2010? What lofty goal or comedic endeavor should I undertake? The only limit is your imagination. Post your ideas in the comments and I will choose the best, or quite possibly only, suggestion.

Resolution # 8: Have 100 people read the blog in one day: Usually I have a writing related goal with regards to completing a book such as writing a novel or a collection of short pieces or the best of the blog. The thing is that takes a lot of time and with work and wedding planning and losing weight and everything else in my day to day existence I just don’t know if I have enough time for something that big this year. But, I certainly plan to keep blogging and if this is going to be my creative outlet I might as well make it the best I can be. Last year I aimed for 50 people and reached it several times. This time I’m going for 100 unique hits in a single day. For that to happen someone must read the post and link it or email it to their friends. I will have to write something clever enough so that people who have never met me will read it. Big challenge but I might be able to pull it off.

Resolution # 9: Expand my musical tastes: For someone with a CD collection the size of mine my tastes are really, really narrow. For the past few years I have picked up nothing outside of the Alt-Country genre and I have some huge gaps. No jazz or blues really, even those by the classics. No Miles Davis or John Coltrane or any of the other legends. If what is being released now doesn’t speak to me (and I’ve reached the age where popular music is not aimed for my target market) I think I might as well explore the past. Hell, I might as well pick up some old school punk while I am at it and listen to the stuff that scared me when I was a kid growing up.

Resolution # 10: Prepare to be the best husband that I can be: It is so strange to think of myself in that term. Husband. All my life I have searched for the woman of my dreams but I have never really focused on what it will mean to be a husband. That is what this last resolution is about. Searching myself to realize what I must do in order to be the best that I can possibly be for Kim. We’ll work to have the wedding we want and the life that we want but I will have to realize that I will be changing from an I to a we. And trust me, I can’t wait for that day.

13th Best Album of the Decade: Rufus Wainwright “Want One” (2003): I became a Rufus fan in a real roundabout way. People who knew that I was a huge Jeff Buckley fan kept on telling me to listen to Rufus because he also sung a version of Halleluiah and was using Jeff’s rhythm section for his band. I also knew enough of his background (the son of Loudon Wainwright and Kate McGarrigle) to know that he was worth a listen. I don’t think that I ever anticipated to hear a baroque pop masterpiece like Want One. Really, really stunning.


Troy said...


Nice list for 2010. Good luck with them. As for the 'learn to cook' resolution, next time you come to Chicago, call us and come over for dinner. We'll cook up a tasty NOLA dish or two and give you a few pointers. Not saying that it will make you a gourmet or anything, but it will be fun and Karen does know a thing or two about cooking (for that matter, so does Jon - - let's face it, you've got people who can help you with this one). And the girls would be thrilled to have you come over for a visit.


Anonymous said...

One suggestion, which may also help you accomplish resolution #1 while along the way requiring you to also keep up with #4

Swimming. The ulimate low impact sport-exercise. Its a full body workout. You could set a goal of being able to swim a certain number of lengths under a certain time limit, or just pick a number of consecutive laps to swim without touching bottom. Just like running, you don't have to be fast, the key is to find a comfortable work rate and then push yourself to see how long or far you can sustain that pace.

Foodie said...

I have read this list over and over again.

How many people accomplish exactly what they want and then turn around and say to themselves, "now how I can I make myself better?"

I am so in awe.

How many men would think, "how can I be a good husband?"

How many would say, "I need to learn to cook."

When people get married, usually it's a time when those who have been there a while will give advice but what could anyone say to you?

Just so impressed.

Anonymous said...

Not to take away anything from kcgatsby, but my question for Foodie is, what kind of man doesn't try to continually improve himself?

Rug said...


Looking back for #9 is a great idea. I did that a few years ago, and now all I listen to are Otis Redding and Sam Cooke! They've both been gone for over 40 years but I love hunting for live performances from either.

Rug said...


I have the answer for #10.

Master the following phrases;

"Yes Dear."

"I'm sorry honey, I don't know what I was thinking."

"You stay in bed, I'll put the baby back to sleep."

"I'd love to spend Sunday afternoon looking at fabric swatches!"

"Dear, this honey-do list looks a little short, I think I'll add a few projects!"

Master those and a few variations you you'll be golden!

Anonymous said...

To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup, Whenever you're wrong, admit it; Whenever you're right, shut up.
- Ogden Nash