Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Remind me to never preempt myself

Apologies for my lack of a post last night. I got stuck inside my own thoughts and decided not to write, which are probably the two worst things that I could have done. When I get stuck inside my own head I tend to focus on the worst thing that could happen in the worst case scenario and then spend hours convincing myself that not only could it happen but that it already has happened until I become a quivering mass of anxiety. Writing is one of my releases, one of the few things that can help me get those torrents of thoughts to unleash in a coherent manner, and I kept myself from it. I hate the fact that this is no one’s fault but my own. I need to kick my own ass and get focused on what is most important.

In order to help clear my head and get me back to who I am supposed to be I am just going to list a few questions that have popped into my head over the past few days…

· Has anyone ever bought anything out of a Sky Mall catalog? Every plane has them and we all have flipped through them during a moment where extreme boredom overrides the fear of what people have placed in the seat back pocket before you. Does anyone ever use that for their Christmas shopping?

· Why is there no adult version of Encyclopedia Brown? Do you know what I would give for a novel that features several mysteries to solve with no fear of murder or mayhem other than an opposing gang led by a kid named Bugs? Also, would you want to live in a town where the chief of police puts his ten year old son on the payroll?

· I completely understand the domestic violence is the least funny thing in the world (well, after Carrot Top) but there seems to be at least a glimmer of humor in a headline that includes domestic violence and Gary Coleman. Or maybe I’m just going to hell for even thinking about it.

· Yes, it is true. A school district banned dictionaries because a kid used one to look up a definition of oral sex. First off, I am pretty sure that the main use of dictionaries in schools is look up the definitions of dirty words. I think we all did that. But seriously, is this the right course of action? There’s a dirty word in there! Let’s set them on fire!

· At least they put the State of the Union address on a Wednesday night where it won’t preempt one of my shows. I was sick of having the president get in the way of The Biggest Loser.

· Oh, and could the democrats get their heads out of their own asses for once and do something intelligent? This is killing me. They are now talking about either killing the health care bill or paring it down to the parts that everyone agrees with which is what I recommended back in August when the town halls showed that there was way more anger and resentment towards government sponsored health care than originally anticipated. Add in the fact that now they want to focus on the economy when I said to do that last year and not push health care and you can see why I am disappointed in Obama to say the least. This has been a lackluster first year in office by far.

Top disc of the decade tomorrow. It deserves its own post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am completely shocked at that news about the school district and dictionaries. Kids these days know how to use a dictionary? If anything, that kid should get extra credit for not using wikipedia or google.