Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Here we go

Finally, after much deliberation, delay and just plain procrastination I have finally started my blog. Now, there are a number of you out there wondering just why in the world am I doing this. Or more accurately asking, “What is up with this guy to think that anyone on this planet cares about what he has to say about anything?” For the people who are thinking that, you are free to hit back on your browser and ignore everything that I write from this moment out. But for those of you who would like to spend a few minutes a day reading about my skewed perspective of the world and hopefully having a few laughs in the process, welcome.

As any good MBA student knows, you need to have concrete and measurable goals and this project is no exception. So, here is what I am going to try to do with this little corner of cyberspace.

(1) Daily updates composed of whatever interests me at the moment. Sometimes it’s going to be a discussion of something I saw while driving to work. Or musing on a phrase overheard at a bar. There will be reviews of bands you’ve never heard of and of television shows that you would never admit to watching. And occasionally I’ll break out a story from my archives or from another source. Some of this will be funny, some might be thought provoking, and who knows, every leap year I might even write something that could be considered insightful.
(2) Have people actually read this. That’s kind of important, otherwise I’m just singing to an empty room. So, for those of you who will actually bookmark this site I thank you in advance.
(3) Have people I don’t know actually read this. Humor me for a moment, but I would like to think that I might one day write something cool enough that you go, “Hey, I’ve got to email this link to my buddy.” Which leads into…
(4) Finally do something significant so that I’m not lying when I say that I’m a writer. That’s been my dream for as long as I remember. To actually write something that people read, that means something to them, and that might in a small way make a difference on this world. Sure, my career path has always taken me away from this dream but maybe writing in here everyday will help me to recharge my creative batteries and inspire me to finally write my novel (which actually has to be written by 9/2008 but that’s another story).

It’s going to take me a couple of weeks to get into the swing of things so bear with me while I work the kinks out of the system. All I ask is that you give me a chance to see if this is a good idea. Worst case, it’s like sitting next to me at the bar late at night when I won’t stop talking. Best case, it’s like sitting next to me at the bar late at night and I’m buying. Either way, it’ll be like being at the Backer and lets face it, that is where we would all rather be right now. Ready? Let’s go. Quo Vadimus.

“All of this is but a dream. Still let us examine it with a few experiments.” Michael Faraday

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