Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Might as well reprint those Free Lindsay shirts

(Yes that was a rather heartrending episode of How I Met Your Mother last night. Sadly I had the ending spoiled for me before I had a chance to watch it (damn you Facebook) but it still hit pretty hard. I don’t want to spoil it here but I will say that the episode was amazingly constructed and makes perfect sense when you realize that over the course of the series the show has never been a typical “ha ha” sitcom. There has always been a running plot on how these characters are becoming adults and dealing with a lot of those issues in a very realistic way.)

In a case of good news and bad news My Beloved Lindsay is out of rehab but may have to go to jail on a parole violation. Which of those is good news and which is bad news is really left for the reader to decide. And the whole going to prison thing is so a non-Hollywood thing. Really, when was the last time you saw one of these starlets actually have to do any real time for their actions. I know that the California prison system is overcrowded but I think we could find a little space in a closet somewhere to place a Lohan or a Hilton. They are rather thin and should be easily stackable.

Keeping with the celebrity news Snooki from the Jersey Shore has written a novel so add her name to the list of people who have been able to get a novel published before me. Yeah, fifteen plus years spent slaving away at a manuscript, six years blogging in an effort to catch the eye of an agent, and an orange midget who can’t even properly spell her own name is somehow able to land a publishing deal. I would really like to know if she has even read her own book. We all know that she didn’t write it; I legitimately want to know if she took the time to sit down and read it.

Oh, and Taylor Swift broke up with a Gyllenhall and is now back on the market, which just happens to correspond with my blog post where I say awfully nice things about her. Not that is anything more than a coincidence or anything… Actually, it is totally a coincidence. I’m more than happy with where my life is right now. I’m more upset by the fact that I am aware of Taylor Swift’s dating life given that it has absolutely no bearing on my life whatsoever.

Last thing, corresponding with tonight’s debut of the new season of The Biggest Loser I am embarking on a weight loss program. Actually I’ve already started it but it is always nice to tie it in with the Biggest Loser because at least I know that I weigh less than they do. Anyway, if anyone wants to send me some diet or exercise advice I would be more than happy to receive it. I really do need to knock off these last few pounds so that I will no longer be considered overweight. I will be much happier knowing that I was at a healthy weight on my wedding day.


Anonymous said...

Diet and exercise are the key to weight loss. Read that again slowly. Diet AND exercise. People tend to focus on one but the other.

My tips...

(1) Set realistic, attainable goals along the way to your wedding date goal. If your goals are too lofty you are setting yourself up for failure or frustration. They key is to make small changes that you can live with so you can stay on track.
For example, it's hard to commit yourself right away to trying to eating healthy every meal, everyday of the week. Try to eat healthy five days out of the week. That way if you have a craving for pizza on a Friday night, its ok to have that pizza once a week and you're more likely to stick to that program for 2 months (versus setting yourself up for failure in week 1 and then quitting that program right away).

(2) Buy a chin up bar. You should be able to find one somewhere between $25-50 at your big box retailers or sporting goods stores. Set it up in a doorway that you use often (e.g. bathroom door). Start off with doing 1-3 pull ups every time you go through that door. As you get stronger, up that to 5x. If you walk through that door 6 times in a day you've done 30 pull-ups without really noticing. Great way to add a toning/strengthening move into your daily life.

Anonymous said...

I never realized Marshall's dad was Dauber from Coach!