Friday, April 15, 2005

Quick story...

(Sorry, it is really late and I'm just going to repost something I wrote in my travel journal from a few years ago. In all honesty, I may have already posted this to the blog. To make up for it, I'll finally complete my profile and figure out how to post pictures to the blog over the weekend just to make life more interesting.)

Pub life: One last general observation before I call it a night. I’ve gone through all of this without ever describing the wonders that are an Irish pub. Disregarding the Guinness, there are a lot of really cool things about hitting a pub for lunch. First of all, you can always get a meal. I personally go for the fish and chips which despite the number of times I’ve ordered it always amazes me in its size and the fact that fish has bones. I am just from a fish stick type of place.

True story, when wandering around London I finally made my way to Westminster. It was lunch and I was dying so my first thought was where the hell is a pub. It is a much nicer thought than where is the nearest McDonald’s.

Also, the pubs did have the game on, either Gaelic football or the Packers-Panthers game. On the whole, I love the fact that all the pubs seem to have music which is better than I could imagine. Except for the pub in Dublin, with the best food I had, which was playing Neil Diamond songs non stop. No kidding, song after song of Neil Diamond’s greatest hits. We left before he got to Coming to America which would have driven me bonkers.

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