Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Mickey Meets Magneto

Sorry I forgot to post last night. I was busy working on my spec script for “Wolverine Meets Goofy” for the Disney-Marvel merger. It has some wonderful dialogue like

Goofy: “Gosh golly Logan, Donald is going to be really upset when he finds out you decapitated Scrooge McDuck.”
Wolverine: “He has to learn his lesson. You fund Doctor Doom’s plan to rule the world and you end up one dead duck.”

Hey, at least Goofy makes sense as a mutant. Otherwise we are forced to deal with that age old question as to what Goofy is. He can’t be a dog because Pluto is a dog and he doesn’t talk so what the hell does that make Goofy? And why does no one have an issue with Donald Duck wearing a sailor suit sans pants and hanging out with his similarly pantsless “nephews?” Am I the only one who sees the symbolism there?

Obviously, like Doctor Octopus I am a bit up in arms at the moment over this whole merger. If I was a Marvel stockholder I would be celebrating like mad because they make out like bandits in this deal. As someone who enjoys comic books though, and who has seen how Disney has pretty much destroyed ESPN, I do fear what this might result in. I am guessing a Jonas brother as Captain America or Miley Cyrus as Scarlett Witch. It will be interesting to see just how much interplay there is between the two brands. A little would be wonderful; too much would be disastrous.

Here is something that I will talk about more as this week goes on. I have lived in Delaware for a year now. Yes, tomorrow will be one year in my new job and a year since I packed up everything that I own in Kansas City and made my way east. Heck, I am a year removed from being a trivia maven having somewhat retired from that scene. It has been quite a year if I should say so myself. But more on that later.

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