Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Super random fun time

Yes, I know that I promised to write a lot more often this year. Sadly, life has an unnerving ability to get in the way, cause me to spend weekends in the office, find me in various gin joints in the French Quarter with my special someone and just generally eat into my precious writing time. As I have mentioned before I am in the market for an assistant, not for work but more for my life. It doesn’t pay, you’ll have to deal with the fact that I have almost no ability to function in modern society but I can probably get you college credit. At least at the University of Phoenix. Anyway, some random thoughts at the moment….
1) As someone who has spent much of his life in the electricity business (slightly more than a quarter overall, which means that when I ask the rhetorical question “what have I done with my life?” my answer will be “Determined the amount of imaginary power in the circuit diagram”) watching the Super Bowl blackout was a bit of a thrill. First because I knew that there had to be a bunch of utility execs freaking out at the moment. Then because it was incredible to watch the sideline reporters struggle to understand concepts like fuses, circuit breakers and the fact that it takes time for stadium lights to warm up.

2) I miss the Bud Bowl. I’m sorry, I just do. I don’t care what type of new, hip beer Budweiser wants us to drink this year. I just want beer bottles playing football. Well, that and Bud Dry. Or whatever ice beer is hip at the moment.

3) What I miss about college / my misspent youth item #23: The annual changing of the hip drink / beer. Remember when everyone had to drink Red Dog? When you couldn’t step foot in a bar without hitting ten guys drinking Icehouse? Or that brief moment when people were drinking Zima unironically? Ah, those were the days.

4) Heard on the news today that Muzak is being rebranded. In a way that makes me incredibly sad. Not that the product is disappearing or changing because it isn’t. The company is still going to produce inoffensive, moderately upbeat versions of songs that are popular enough that you recognize the melody but are completely oblivious to the name of the song. They just aren’t going to call it Muzak anymore. I just don’t see the need for the change. We have a perfectly good name for a product we all barely tolerate, why should we be forced to change all of our default small talk statements just so someone in marketing can justify their existence.

5) Yeah, it is tough for me to believe that I was at one point that person in marketing trying to justify their existence. It was Kansas, though. Nothing makes sense there. Any place where the primary mode of transportation is tornado is one where logic need not apply.

6) I wish we could get to the point where we no longer cared about the Super Bowl halftime entertainment. We didn’t care when it was Up with People, we didn’t care when it was in 3D, we didn’t even really care when it involved Michael Jackson. To be honest we could go back to the days where everyone changes the channel for twenty minutes and watches something else and we really wouldn’t lose anything.

7) Oh, and the Ravens won. That was nice, I guess. Delaware’s own Joe Flacco now has a Super Bowl ring so that is nice to know. I believe that automatically makes him the next governor but there are only ten people in the state so it was probably his turn anyway.

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